Eden to Addo Corridor Initiative
OUR VISION:To link three mega-reserves, namely the Garden Route National Park, The Baviaanskloof Mega Reserve and the Addo Elephant National Park by means of natural corridors to protect and restore the integrity of bio-diversity and eco-system functioning. OUR MISSION: To assist and engage with landowners and all stakeholders to identify and develop a living corridor from Eden to Addo by applying sound land-use practices, encouraging a diversity of environmentally sustainable livelihoods and linking ecological important areas , for the benefit of our biodiversity
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Donor Messages
Mike C
Marius, Keep up the amazing running for your charities - you inspire us!
You owe me tea & scones! This is for the ingredients ;)
Lancaster Family
Lancaster Family - in lieu of a birthday gift... get out and run far!
Happy birthday Steve and a Merry Christmas
S Melrose
Happy happy!
Dr Robyn
The legend runs, so that I may run vicariously along with him! Go LL!
Tina 'Spicey Meatball' Vrettos
Go Girl, you are an inspiration - carry on standing (on your hands)!
Barbara & Jerry George
Enjoy & keep walking
You are an inspiration ️
Activity feed
Mike C donated USD $ 68 via Marius Van Rensburg - Tusker Corridor Warrior
24 Jun 2022
USD $ 68