Headway Gauteng (The Brain Injury Association)
Headway Gauteng, established in 1995, is a registered non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting adult survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) and their families. Many of our injured members have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of a motor vehicle accident, assault, fall or sporting accident. We also assist survivors of other acquired brain injuries such as stroke and other neurological illness. Brain injury is a life changing event for the survivors and their families, and poses significant physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and financial challenges. . Headway aims to be a guiding light in the journey of living with brain injury.
Headway’s mission:
- To be a primary, accessible, and committed resource for persons or families affected by brain injury
- To eventually service all communities throughout South Africa
- To maintain Governance that is respected, capable and transparent
Headway Gauteng currently provides psychosocial and therapeutic support to approximately 300 families across Gauteng (as well as other provinces) from its flagship in Hyde Park and satellite branch in Soweto. When funding permits, our aim is to further expand our reach.
Headway offers the following services to our members:
- Assistance with community resources and referrals. Headway members have access to our team’s experience and network, which means that we do our best to assist members with doctor’s referrals, information about other support organisations, and where we can, guidance around the practicalities of living with brain injury
- Family support groups which aim to provide a space for our members to receive information about brain injury and useful coping mechanisms. Our support groups also aim to provide an opportunity for our members to find support and understanding in each other. Meetings are held five times per month in person, via WhatsApp text and online video (MS Teams).
- Individual counselling & support. We have a dedicated team of student psychologists, student social workers and lay counsellors, who work under the supervision of qualified professionals. Our team offers telephonic and face-to-face sessions, giving individual support, psychoeducation and referrals to other professionals or organisations when needed.
- Social reintegration and community engagement opportunities via our Headway Sondela programme. This programme aims to facilitate social participation and gives Headway members the opportunity to engage in social activities both online and in-person in a warm and supportive setting.
- An online activity programme which provides our injured members with a structured, productive virtual session where stimulating and enjoyable activities and social skills can be practised. The online video groups are a great opportunity for our members to meet and interact with other survivors of brain injury who have similar challenges.
- An in-person activity programme This programme is facilitated by therapists who are ably assisted by volunteers from the community. Our plan for 2023 is to further expand the current offering to accommodate even more of our Headway members in-person at our two sites.
In addition, Headway endeavours to promote awareness and understanding of all aspects of acquired brain injury. Our Counselling, Support and Community Reintegration Programmes serve as platform for our community service, volunteer, student internship, and practical training programmes. These programmes afford learners, students, and other volunteers opportunities to gain valuable insights and practical experience and training in the field of disability which augments their current and/or future studies.
As a for purpose, non-profit organisation, Headway relies heavily on the generosity and goodwill of others. All our funding raising efforts are initiated from within our small organisation.
Friends of Headway is a monthly giving programme which enables individual donors to automatically give an amount of their choosing to Headway Gauteng each month. Every cent count and even small monthly donations go a long way to provide the resources we need to support our community.
We believe that with positivity, determination, and togetherness, we can better lives. Headway is a family; a place of community and belonging for people who have experienced such a life-changing event as brain injury, as well as anyone who wants to help. We look forward to welcoming you to the Headway family and collaborating with our donors to make a difference.
Contact Headway: email [email protected]