Beagle Rescue And Support
Beagle Rescue and support takes in unwanted beagles and tries to rehabilitate and rehome these animals.
A large majority of the unwanted are from puppy mills, so we get them in the worst state, which means they need to be spayed / neutered before we can start assessing and attempting to get them socialised and used to human interaction.
Beagles are renowned for their forgiving nature and it is due to this that we have a large success rate in getting them to a state where they learn to trust again.
They are, unfortunately, also very cute as puppies and there are many back yard breeders and KUSA registered breeders that make their living off of this cycle of breeding, which has led to an overpopulation of unwanted beagles, which, if we are lucky, are surrender to BRAS. Some get handed into SPCA, which, we do try and monitor and assist in raising awareness so they get adopted by appropriate families.
We believe that it takes a special understanding of this breed to be able to rehome them successfully.
They are, pack animals and generally do not do well as an only dog. They are very mischievous and hence many of our homeless are 2 years and younger.
People get them and do not do adequate research into their needs.
They end up being destructive and unwanted.
In terms of Statistics the number of Beagles re-homed. In 2013 there were about 60 beagles re-homed through Beagle Rescue. In 2014 was 105 beagles and 125 beagles in 2015.
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