Beagle Rescue Land Dream
- By: Sonja Van Wyk
- Short URL:
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
We at Beagle Rescue believe that our Beagles need a home away from home environment until a forever home is found, providing a quality of life for all our short and long term rescues.
In order for us to achieve this, Beagle Rescue needs their own piece of land to rent for now with working toward owning a piece of land in future.
The reasons we believe it is essential for Beagle Rescue to have their own piece of land is the following:
1. Beagles needs space to run freely and do not do well in confined spaces like traditional kennels. Our ‘problem’ Beagles and our long termers also need to be able to run in a secure environment. For example Harper who got medical problems and need to be an only dog. Cosmo who shows aggression now and again. Jackson who at any moment can just snap and good luck for the one that is closest to him. Sarel and Dusty that is with us for over a year and a half already still waiting for that perfect home….
2. Some of our beagles are barkers and need to be in an environment where there are no barking restrictions e.g. no close neighbours etc. At our own piece of land we would be able to set up the big camps to minimise this behavior, be able to control the environment, movement of people and any other barking stimulus so that it can be kept to a minimum.
The reason that this is important is because where we are now in a residential area, the outside stimulus is out of our control and this leads to constant arousal in the rescues and noise levels is becoming one of the complaints. At this moment my home is home to 25 dogs with another 5 surrenders in one day. Maggie is on her way and another pup will join us later next week.
3. Beagle Rescue would like to build a unique private kenneling facility as a home away from home for beagle owners own dogs. This facility would be away from the rescues and it would be utilised to raise funds for Beagle Rescue.
This is also one of the reasons Beagle Rescue needs a piece of land, so that it can accommodate for future plans as well.
4. Beagle Rescue has found that using a kennel to be expensive and stressful. Paying R 50 – R100 per day per beagle adds up at the end of the month and will be way more that paying rent etc.
5. Beagle Rescue wants to be able to have a special needs facility for our old rescues.
6. Beagle Rescue wants a puppy facility, as you never know when you get an abandoned pregnant female beagle like Luna.
7. Beagle Rescue needs a quarantine facility for all the new intakes, as I am currently putting all the beagles at risk.
8. Beagle Rescue would love for people to volunteer at the facility to spend some time with our beagles and get more involved.
What we would like to ask our beagle community in making this possible:
1. Is there anyone that would like to make a monthly donation toward the expenses. Please let me know by making a comment. I will be in touch with everyone. Once I have enough support I will continue with the arrangements to secure the piece of land that we found. Unfortunately the way it is now, Beagle Rescue will not be able to take in more beagles, as there is just not enough space. 25 is more than the max that I can have and handle at the moment at home.
2. Is there anyone that would like to sponsor/ donate towards material to make camps
Please join us in making Beagle Rescue’s dreams come true. I will not be able to do all of this on my own.
- Oct 29, 2018 - R 100.00 Fees covered
- "Happy Birthday Sonja! From all of us and Beagle bums Sokkies,Jack and Cody" - Neels & Freda
- May 05, 2018 - R 5 000.00 Fees covered
- "In loving memory of our beloved Miya girl who crossed the Rainbow bridge on 26 March 2018. " - Charmaine De Gouveia
- Jan 13, 2018 - R 800.00 Fees covered
- "Thank you for helping our beagles " - Lynne Hewison
- Jan 12, 2018 - USD $ 4.25 Fees covered
- "Keep up the good work!" - SmartHound
- Dec 31, 2017 - USD $ 85.13 Fees covered
- "Please support this worthy cause!" - Anon
- Dec 31, 2017 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Let’s make this happen" - Karen Hill
- Dec 30, 2017 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Thank you for the incredible work you do. " - Roseanne
Beagle Rescue And Support

Beagle Rescue and support takes in unwanted beagles and tries to rehabilitate and rehome these animals.
A large majority of the unwanted are from puppy mills, so we get them in the worst state, which means they need to be spayed / neutered before we can start assessing and attempting to get them socialised and used to human interaction.
Beagles are renowned for their forgiving nature and it is due to this that we have a large success rate in getting them to a state where they learn to trust again.
To set up your own fundraising page for Beagle Support And Rescue click here