The Comrades Ultra Marathon In Aid Of Special Needs
- By: Levi Lipskar
- Short URL:
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
The Friendship Circle is a special organization that is dear to Leah and I, its unique approach to assisting children with special needs and their families is legendary.
On 4th June I will be embarking on my next crazy challenge , I will be running the Comrades ultra marathon UP run - an 87Km (56 Miles) run to raise much needed funds for the Friendship Circle and invite you to partner with me by sponsoring my run no matter how big or small.
The South African Rand is currently at R13.50 to $1 - make a difference USA friends.
The Friendship Circle is an official NPO and 18A charity and all donations are tax deductible.
Together we can make a difference.
- Jun 16, 2017 - R 180.00 Fees covered
- "Well done" - Anonymous
- Jun 06, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck. Enjoy you crazy, generous guy." - Brian Lustig
- Jun 04, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Smash it levik " - Anonymous
- Jun 04, 2017 - USD $ 189.19 Fees covered
- "From strength to strength! So proud of you and Leah " - Moshe & Leah
- Jun 03, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck. Such an amazing organization " - Sean and Leanne Gordon
- Jun 02, 2017 - R 250.00
- "Congratulations to a man who continuously donates his life for the benefit of others!" - Jordin B
- Jun 02, 2017 - USD $ 189.36 Fees covered
- "Love you!" - Elkie and Hirschy
- Jun 02, 2017 - R 180.00 Fees covered
- "Lots of luck Levi" - The Friendship Circle
- Jun 02, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Go Lev!!! We're so proud of you! " - Ross & Ari Tucker
- Jun 01, 2017 - R 623.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck Lev!!!!! " - Anonymous
- May 29, 2017 - USD $ 81.41 Fees covered
- "Good Luck Lev! Give us that sub 9;)" - Dean Steinberg
- May 29, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Bring it home Lev." - Shaul Y
- May 29, 2017 - R 100.00
- "Go FC!!!" - Anonymous
- May 28, 2017 - USD $ 40.92 Fees covered
- "Just a little stroll Forrest. Smash it!" - Levi Groner
- May 28, 2017 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Go Lev! What an inspiration, hatslocha raba " - Dovi and Yael Rabin
- May 27, 2017 - R 900.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck Levi!! " - Ovadia/Machlup
- May 26, 2017 - R 360.00
- "All the best!" - Keith Kropman
- May 26, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck and keep doing the amazing work you guys do!" - Hinda Mendelow
- May 25, 2017 - R 720.00 Fees covered
- "Go on Rov! Thank you for the effort. Great cause. " - Tanya n Teq Buddies
- May 15, 2017 - R 360.00
- "Good luck!" - L and V Davidoff
- May 14, 2017 - R 1 800.00 Fees covered
- "Future support conditional that you run The Jerusalem Marathon next year !" - A supporter in Israel
- May 11, 2017 - R 200.00
- "good luck" - Ben Sacke
- May 11, 2017 - R 900.00 Fees covered
- "Great work as always Leiv, good luck and enjoy!" - Jonathan B
- May 09, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck" - Anonymous
- May 09, 2017 - R 1 620.00 Fees covered
- "Hi Levi - Kol Ha Kavod- Run well, be strong -Thanks for everything" - Eskel & Yvonne Jawitz
- May 09, 2017 - USD $ 154.61 Fees covered
- "I think both gluten for punishment and short term memory! Proud of you!!!" - Freundlich Beijing
- May 09, 2017 - R 666.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck Comrade Levi" - Darryl Kramer
- May 03, 2017 - USD $ 39.42 Fees covered
- "Good luck Levi !!!" - Mendy sacho