Charity Cycling Club
The Charity Cycling Club is a level 1 BBBEE Contributor, a fully accredited Non-Profit Organisation and a SARS accredited Tax Exempt / Public Benefit Organisation.
All donorsa will receive a certificate which will assit them with certification in order to achieve BBBEE scorecard and tax deduction benefits.
Volunteers from all walks of life and International Countries support this Charity initiative.
The NPO is a Charity Organisation themselve however we utilise our sport to raise funds which we the donate to numerous Charitable Organisations in the areas we cycle through where children will be the main beneficiaries.
These charities include schools, creche's, orphaneges and centres for abused woman and chiuldren.
Every year the Tour will have a dedicated 30 minute program which give airtime to the event, it's sponsors and it's donors.
The members participate in all the major races in South Africa and a number of the cyclists have succesfully participated in International Cycle races.