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West Coast Half Marathon- Running for Sarah

West Coast Half Marathon- Running for Sarah

Funds Raised:
R 3 544
Fundraising Target:
R 10 000

Personal message

Two big things have happened in 2017 so far: I started running, and a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. Whilst neither of these things seems particularly extraordinary, together they have spurred me on to train harder, and to try and make a difference, as small as it may be.

In May, I will be running a half marathon. Again- this may not seem like a big deal, but those who know me will know how ridiculous and hilariously funny it is to think of me running ANYWHERE. My friend, Sarah, who has sent me supportive messages since I started running a few months ago, has recently been through trauma that many, many women have to go through, and she has given me her blessing not only to tell her story, but to run in her name (and in doing so, to run in the name of all women who suffer or have suffered with this horrendous disease). I am very, very proud to be able to do this, and knowing how strong and how tough she has been (and is continuing to be) helps me get off my butt and train. It doesn't stop me from being terrified about this race- which takes place in the West Coast National Park. If you felt like donating ANYTHING to help keep me going, I would be forever grateful. All donations will be going to Pink Drive, an organisation which sends mobile Women’s Health Mammography and Gynaecology Units around the country in huge pink trucks. Their mission is to help women ALL OVER THE COUNTRY who may not have access to proper health care to detect the early signs of breast cancer and get on top of the disease before it's too late.

Most of us know at least one person who has battled with breast cancer. I'm doing this for Sarah, and I will be telling her story... but this is for all those other women, too.


  • May 01, 2017 - R 210.00 Fees covered
  • "Go for it, Jem and keep up the amazing spirit, Sarah!" - Colin

  • Apr 28, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
  • "Great stuff Jemima - run like wind girl ! " - Cantors

  • Apr 05, 2017 - R 210.00
  • "Thank you Jemima for this amazing initiative to increase awareness and help save lives" - Sarah Prins

  • Mar 24, 2017 - USD $ 39.38 Fees covered
  • "Run sista runnnn. So impressed xxx" - Imogen Middleton

  • Mar 16, 2017 - USD $ 129.05 Fees covered
  • "Best of luck Jemima, with lots of love from Henry, Flora, Archie, Atticus, Willoughby, Edith and Darcy" - Flora Hood

  • Mar 16, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
  • "Wishing you the best of luck for the run! I think Sarah got the easy end of the deal! ;) Well done seriously... this is awesome. And Sarah, GET WELL SOON! xxx" - Callum Sargent


Fundraising target

R 10 000.00

Donations to date

R 3 544.18

Funds raised offline

R 681.00

PinkDrive Breast Cancer Fundraising

Charity Default Logo

PinkDrive NPC, a health sector NGO, was founded in 2009 by Ms Noelene Kotschan, on the premise that  “Early detection saves lives.” PinkDrive’s cardinal purpose is to contribute meaningfully towards preventing as many people as it can, from succumbing to breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer. 

Its primary focus is on citizens without access to reasonable care for these conditions, and who reside in areas where health services do not reach. It recognises that treatable cancers receiving even the basic levels of care could translate into varying lengths of extended life for the afflicted when detected and treated early. Its posture is ostensibly a promoter of health awareness in general, and specifically health education and heightening awareness of gender-related cancers in South Africa.  

Our Mission:  

Promote awareness and early detection of, and screening for gender-related cancers in the general  population of South Africa, using the message “Early detection will help to prolong life.”  

Our Vision:  

To be the leading non-governmental organisation dedicated to creating and promoting awareness about cancer in South Africa, and potentially beyond.  

Our delivery:  

PinkDrive has five principal interventions through its flagship programmes, PinkDrive® and More Balls  Than Most®, channelled through mobile point-of-contact service delivery by skilled certificated  medical/nursing practitioners, namely:  

  1. Clinical Breast Exams: A mass screening service provided to woman and men of all ages. This service includes one-on-one cancer education focusing on self-examinations as well as a breast examination.  2. Mammograms: A select screening service primarily provided for a woman over the age of 40, unless they are referred for a mammogram by a Doctor.  
  2. Pap Smears: Cervical Cancer Screening.  
  3. Prostate-Specific Antigen Test (PSA): These tests are a form of rapid testing for men above the age of  40 years old. These tests are administered by testing an adequate sample of blood taken from a subject.  5. Prostate and Testicular Cancer Awareness and Education: At all activations, More Balls Than Most sets up information booths and supplies information flyers to educate the public about Prostate and Testicular  Cancer.  

Our beneficiaries:  

Indigent and medically uninsured woman and men are the primary beneficiaries of PinkDrive NPC’s commitment. Citizens living in rural, township and semi-urban geographies across South Africa, are of the highest priority. Beneficiaries who can afford to pay for the service, are charged an approved nominal amount, which in turn funds the services to the indigent and medically uninsured beneficiaries.