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ShareIt See Something Say Something

ShareIt See Something Say Something

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 100 000

Personal message

My name is Tim Edwards and I live in Centurion, Gauteng. On the 5th January 2021 my son was shot and killed by a student from his school. Josh (16) went to his house and 2 hours later he was dead. 

After a very long criminal trial the accused was found guilty and sentenced. What came out in the trial was disturbing, there were other kids that knew about the firearms and ex teachers had testified that the accused would boast about firearms at school. A lot of people knew about the dangers but as a family we knew nothing. Had we known Josh would not have gone to his house. The other boys we had seen the firearms and had a firearm pointed at them were to afraid to say anything as they feared they would be bullied. The teachers who testified in court said that the accused would often boast at school that he was allowed to shoot whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted to. This was discussed in the staff room with the schools management and principal but that's where it ended. Had the school taken it further Josh would be alive today. Had the other boys said anything Josh would be alive today.

I want to make a difference after our traumatic loss of Josh, this should not have happened and should not happen to any family in the future. We cant bring Josh back but we can try and make a change and try and save a life. We have come to realize that kids simply do not report anything out of fear, 99.9% of kids want to do the right thing and if they could they would. We can make a difference, our goal is to give a presentation and get the app into as many schools as possible. 

The Share IT Reporting App will empower the members of your school community to “Say Something when they See Something”. Whether it be bullying, mental health concerns, social media observations, security threats or suspicious activity concerns, Share It alerts the right people anonymously and confidentially.

The Share It app is a simple and easy-to-use platform to escalate concerns directly to your schools designated report recipients, anonymously, confidently and discreetly, in real-time, right from their smartphone.

Share It can be 100% anonymous and provide accurate and detailed information including GPS Location details, time and date, photo or video, comments and other incident relevant data. With multi-language capabilities and increased user privacy, Share It can truly help bring unity to the school community.

Teenagers should not be afraid to report dangerous situations or disturbing behavior and there needs to be a platform for them to be able to do this 100% anonymously. 

Share It is an application that would allow 100% anonymous reporting, it would give teenagers the confidence to report something they have seen or heard with confidence knowing that they will not be identified or bullied afterwards for doing the right thing. If a teenager SEE's SOMETHING, they need to SAY SOMETHING. It could save a life.

Share It allows students to anonymously report anything from seeing unattended weapons at a friends house, bullying, cyber bullying, fighting, theft, drugs, sexual harassment, suicide threats, abuse at home or anything else that they see as wrong. The information would be sent directly to the schools chosen representative who would be able to directly message the anonymous reporter through the application to get more information if needed. 

Share It will have a panic button for emergency situations, a geo location and message will be sent to the emergency contacts setup in the app. 

Share It will also have a presentation that can be given to high school kids on the importance of reporting incidents and how it could save a life and what to do in an emergency situation. 

Any funds raised will be used to finish the development of the application and assist with the rollout to as many schools in South Africa as possible. 


Fundraising target

R 100 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

ShareIt See Something Say Something Campaign