The Twins fundraiser Campaign
Hi Everyone 👋 I'm Tanya.The mother to the ^ Twins ^ as we call them . I am a mom of 2 already earth side kiddies, Malakai 8 yo and Kaiya 4yo. I work for a shark cage diving company and have for many years now .my partner Gareth is a motor mechanic and works too full time. He also works after hours and on weekends privately to bring in extra money for our family.
Ws found out about 4 months ago we were expecting, it was unexpected to say the least and Also unplanned . But a blessing ofcourse 😌 once we had our scan etc we were so shocked for a long time that we were expecting twins. Twins do run in my family but I never thought I would be the lucky one to have twins.
Now prior to finding out we were expecting my medical aid unfortunately got canceled due to us going through an extremely tough winter at work as well as us losing an engine on our shark boat , everything added up and we were unable to get back on our feet until late September. By then obviously I found out I was pregnant, and it was too late to reinstate my medical and the pregnancy would not be covered.
So now i sit with no medical to cover the twins' birth ( c section ) as I have already had 2 c sections and it's twins I must have this operation. It's safer for myself and babies.
I have since started a new medical aid which the babies will be covered on once they born which is great in case they are a bit early ( God forbid ) or they need to stay in hospital for a period of time etc I am happy they will get the proper care needed under the medical.
This pregnancy is very hard on me . Physically mostly, I'm suffering with bad back issues , my blood pressure is often low and I'm always tired so I do worry I have complications or times I must be on bed rest . And I'm a mommy number 1 priority to me so being like this is really tough on me.
Besides this is my last pregnancy ever so I'd like to try enjoy it .
Myself and my partner are trying to save as much as possible but it is extremely difficult as I'm sure people can imagine with the cost of living so high and everything always going up.
I just want to have the best care for myself and the babies as our health is of upmost importance.
I understand everyone has their own life and things they need to pay etc so please if you can't assist us in any way do not feel any guilt . We will manage one way or another .
But If you can assist then id greatly appreciate it 😌 🙂
Any donation is a blessing to us and will help towards the end goal.
The funds will be used towards my operation plus we need to purchase a twin stroller with car sears which is so costly even second hand.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story.
Much love and blessings 🙌
Tanya & Gareth
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Ken Peck
Here's hoping the little lad is getting better. Love to all xx
Sending you hugs from the west coast of Canada. I am Graham's uncle.
Crissie & Andre
Wishing Mason, you and your family all the very best - God's got you 💕
Hope you are all well love to you all ❤️❤️❤️ xxx
Jasmin Knickel
I wish u all the best 😊 stay strong
Good luck from Swakopmund
Activity feed
Ken Peck donated US $ 57 via Baby Mason's health journey ✨️
04 Mar 2024
US $ 57
Anonymous donated US $ 28 via Baby Mason's health journey ✨️
29 Feb 2024
US $ 28
Anonymous donated US $ 15 via Baby Mason's health journey ✨️
29 Feb 2024
US $ 15
Anonymous donated US $ 108 via Baby Mason's health journey ✨️
29 Feb 2024
US $ 108
Crissie & Andre donated R 200 via Baby Mason's health journey ✨️
28 Feb 2024
R 200