Funds Raised:
R 1 823
Fundraising Target:
R 50 000
Personal message
Liam Jacobs is a very sweet little boy. He has a smile that will light up the room of even the gloomist faces. His Dr's say he is made of strong stuff and are so pleased with the way he is growing and developing. And are particularly enamored with his squeezable cheeks. With all that the outside is so cute and adorable, inside is a problem so big that even a cold can change the course of his life. My sweet little boy has Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect. This means that the valve from his heart to his lungs is undeveloped. This is a life limiting condition with no timeline. He has Dr's looking into a solution to give him the chance of a long life but we have to wait until he gets to be a little older to do more tests and see where we are and what the way forward will be.
He has an older sister which is 17 months older than him, (the nurse at the hospital said to raise them as twins) she is getting used to having another baby in the house but still wants her space. We had to take her out of school for a while to limit his risk of infection because of how catastrophic they would be for him. A big sacrifice she has had to make for her little brother.
We see the dr every week to check on him, what is oxygen sats are, his heart rate, his breathing how fast or slow, his colour and his weight. We also have to see a dietician regarding his diet, like what formula is best to use to combo feed, how much is he supposed to be getting in.
In the coming months, Liam will have to go do new test and scans, sone of these procedures require sedation, like the CT scan. Doing all of this costs us a pretty penny. We have a medical aid, but we are still in the hook for the many co payments thtlat come from these visits, scans and Dr's that need to perform and administer sedation and treatment.
Due to his condition, I am unable to go out to work and would need to get a job I can do remotely. This leave my husband as the sole provider for our household. This is not going as far as we would hope, while we focus on Liams condition, our daughter has some problems too. She has a whole host of allergies which requires her to be on a specialized milk which costs us R509 a tin, and she goes through 2 tins a week. She was also recently diagnosed with asthma. This is being aggrevated by the place we live in. It has a huge moisture and mold problem and we have spent quite a bit of money trying to remove it, to improve the quality of life for both babies to no avail. It just finds its way back and makes her sick which will inevitably make him sick too. So with all of the medical worries we have, we have these too. We are working tirelessly to find a new place to live, that is sunny, and dry with no mold or moisture issues. This has caused some issues with landlords but we are dealing with it.
If I had one wish, it would be to take away these health problems they have, to make everything better for them that they have a long and wonderful life filled with all the good fortune and blessings kids deserve.
Jan 16, 2024 - R 250.00
Fees covered
- "Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46v10" - Anonymous
Jan 03, 2024 - R 200.00
- "" - Anonymous
Dec 29, 2023 - R 200.00
Fees covered
- "All the best for your beautiful kids and for you and spouse 🙏💯" - Rowena Samuels
Dec 25, 2023 - R 200.00
Fees covered
- "Keeping the family and especially baby Liam in our thoughts and prayers." - Anonymous
Dec 25, 2023 - R 400.00
Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
Dec 20, 2023 - USD $ 29.44
Fees covered
- "God be with you my little angel. I hope to see you soon, all healthy and strong. May God guide the hands of the special Dr and staff. Lots of love, aunty Glenda, uncle Pedro and Tiffany." - Glenda Goncalves
Dec 18, 2023 - R 100.00
Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous