Sam & Werner's Bazaruto Madswim 2017
- By: Sam & Werner Whelpton
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/sam-werners-bazaruto-madswim-2017
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
Yes the Whelpton's are going on another Swimming Adventure!
This will be our 3rd Mad Swimming event in Africa with Madswimmer.com.
On the 29th October the Madswimmers are attempting to swim the length of Bazaruto Island, Mozambique. We will be swimming 34km from Southern tip of Bazaruto Island to the Northern tip along the western shore, following the reef line. The expected swim time is 12 hours if we calculate the timing of the currents and tides correctly.
We will have to endure 34km in the salty waters, 12 hours in the burning sun, strong currents, sea life and hopefully minimal jelly fish stings all in aid of 3 Children's Charities:
It is the Most rewarding feeling to Smash a Goal with a group of Awesome people in aid of Children who desperately need our help.
Thank you for your Donation!!!
- Nov 06, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck!!" - Mich Walford
- Oct 27, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck your freaking legends!!! " - Ian Martincich
- Oct 26, 2017 - USD $ 22.47 Fees covered
- "Best of luck!" - Eva N
- Oct 26, 2017 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Just do it! " - Just do it!!!
- Oct 26, 2017 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Samantha and Werner - from Sam's dad." - Deon Falck
- Oct 26, 2017 - R 250.00 Fees covered
- "You guys rock! Will be cheering from home" - T
- Oct 25, 2017 - R 250.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck guys" - Ryan Stramrood
- Oct 23, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "FOMO is a real thing ..... Good luck and have fun!!" - Alison Hartley
- Oct 19, 2017 - R 250.00 Fees covered
- "Amazing! Good luck and have tons of fun ??" - Lauren Justus
- Sep 27, 2017 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Enjoy!" - Well done

Madswimmer is a registered non-profit company consisting of individuals involved with daring open water swims to raise funds for children’s charities. They are established businessmen and women in their own right, but also do these extreme, adventurous swims. Take a look at some previous campaigns here to see how they managed to raise over USD900 000 over the past 13 years.