Combating Noise Pollution from Road Campaign
We as the members of the IERM wish to establish which indigenous plant material in South Africa has the highest level of absorption of traffic noises so that we can make the results available to Municipalities, Conservancies, Residents, garden clubs. So that they can plant up these vegetative screens to absorb the noise effecting their health and their ability to enjoy their homes.We will have to purchase and import impendence testing equipment and move it to various location and test the leaf material on site as they have to be freshly picked to ensure accurate noise absorption readings.
This equipment will up skill horticulturist and likeminded people on how to combat noise pollution. It is necessary to raise this funding for this equipment as this important aspect is not covered in the training provided.
At present even though legislation provides for noise protection there is a lack of ability to enforce this legislation. Once the exercise is completed the equipment will be retained and used for further testing and educating students coming into the field.
The impact will be that planting of suitable plant material can take place to combat the various problems resulting from noise pollution.
The funds raise will be used to purchase the necessary testing equipment overseas and transport it to various location throughout South Africa so as to determine the most suitable material to be planted in each climatic zone.