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Mia's Second Challenge

Mia's Second Challenge

Funds Raised:
R 1 200
Fundraising Target:
R 4 320

Personal message

I'M SO EXCITED ANOTHER YEAR, AND ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO RAISE SOME MONEY FOR THE AFRIKA TIKKUN KIDS. I'm going to cycle like crazy. My dad is going to be my co-pilot and I would like you to sponsor me for as much as possible. It only costs R 2160.00 to send a child to an Early Childhood Education Centre for a whole year. I want to target two kids. PLEASE HELP ME.

SEE, if you sponsor me for R50.00/km and i cycle the full 10 km, and I get 9 sponsors like you, then, ME and YOU together can support 2 kids education for a full year.........LOVIT!!!!!!!


bY THe WAy, tHE PicTUrE Is Me ANd mY dAD, WaRmiNG UP fOR tHE aRGus


  • Apr 11, 2013 - R 100.00
  • "Dear Mia, you are such a nice friend to me. I hope you make a lot of people happy and I hope you are happy too. Love your bff julia p" - julia peters

  • Mar 08, 2013 - R 100.00
  • "Mia, do as well as you can. Go Mia! I am watching you, make your family proud! love Carly xoxoxox " - Carly Jean

  • Mar 05, 2013 - R 500.00
  • "Mi, I am so proud of you. I know you will inspire and change so many children's lives. I love you so much and wish I was there to here you on. You're always in my heart my angel. Xxx" - Your proud big sis


Fundraising target

R 4 320.00

Donations to date

R 1 200.00

Funds raised offline

R 500.00

Afrika Tikkun

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Afrika Tikkun (AT) was founded in 1994 with the goal of developing and uplifting young people in disadvantaged communities resident in the Republic of South Africa. With like-minded partners, Afrika Tikkun aims to end child poverty and youth unemployment through a holistic approach that begins in early childhood and ends with productive adults accessing the economy. Our approach provides all-inclusive care (nutrition, health and social) services and helps SA’s youth achieve success with a model called Cradle-to-Career 360°, which has earned Afrika Tikkun recognition for being one of the most impactful organisations in South Africa. We operate from four centres in Gauteng and one in Cape Town.

To set up your own fundraising page for Afrika Tikkun click here