Mias Gender Reassignment Surgery
- By: Mia Olivier
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/mia-olivier-5843663814319318362
- Date Created: 22 February 2024
Personal message
My name is Mia, I'm 25 years old, I'm a poly-artist, a passionate hobbyist on various things, and I'm a transgender Capetonian. I've been actively transitioning for the better part of 4 years.
This means a few things:
I have developed a chronic fixation on the idea of one piece jumpsuits, and I don't quite have a lot of money to go around spending on things that aren't food, my rent or my utilities.
Recently, I've been trying to save what I can to be able to afford Gender Reassignment Surgery, more specifically, Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty Surgery. A surgical procedure normally done on trans women to construct female genitalia out of what's already there.
There's just one problem:
Gender Reassignment Surgery is really expensive. Very few can actually afford it without exhausting their life savings.
A common answer for this is to just "go to Thailand", which very rarely takes into account cost of lodging, flight and food in addition to an already expensive surgery, and when all is said and done, having the surgery done internationally could end up costing more than just having it done at home, in South Africa.
I spent a lot of my life feeling so cosmically "incorrect", and the only thing that saved me was transitioning.
My body never really felt like mine. It was like being stuck at an awful job that wore down my drive. GRS will give me my agency back.
I humbly ask for your assistance in affording me this life changing surgical procedure, and the incalculable quality of life improvement that will come of it.
I want my life back. Will you help me?
The funds from this campaign will exclusively be used to pay off surgeon, anesthetist and hospital fees. I will be covering consultation, transport and additional fees myself with the small savings I have accrued over the last year.
- Mar 03, 2024 - USD $ 21.61 Fees covered
- "I can only manage this much for now but I'll help more when I can ❤️" - Rae
- Mar 02, 2024 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Mar 02, 2024 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "" - Mik
- Feb 24, 2024 - USD $ 11.20 Fees covered
- "Good luck! xx" - Mica