Mdzananda Animal Clinic
Welcome to the world of the Mdzananda Animal Clinic - a permanent, veterinary council registered animal clinic in Khayelitsha township just outside Cape Town, South Africa, home to more than a million people.
Highly respected and supported by the people they serve, Mdzananda Animal Clinic was founded in 1996 in response to the need to provide veterinary care to a fast growing community that had no access to help for their animals. Today the clinic serves up to 700 animals per month through consultations, general and specialised surgery, hospitalizationand mobile clinics for sick and injured animals, primarily dogs and cats.
It is often of the opinion that people in townships should not own pets. We have a different opinion. Anyone who visits Mdzananda has the pleasure of meeting owners who adore their animals.
Lack of education and funds result in neglect, illnesses and injuries. These include, but are not limited to fleas, ticks, starvation, motor vehicle accidents, dog fights, illnesses that could have been prevented if pets were vaccinated and many unwanted litters. Mdzananda works on educating the community while providing low cost veterinary services.
Apart from veterinary services the Mdzananda Animal Clinic has an emergency ambulance service, performs continuous sterilizations, rehomes pets and hosts community events. We have a strong focus on community empowerment and education and focus on understanding the community’s needs, embracing this, gaining their respect and trust.
A community that loves animals is a healthy community. By looking after an animal people learn responsibility, respect for life, compassion and non-violence. These are valuable attributes which flow over into everyday life.