Vir Onse Lewiesie
- By: Louise Claassen
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/louise-claassen-5850133190321433467
- Date Created: 29 February 2024
Personal message
Dear Friends/Community/Lord,
We need your support to help our dear mother/daughter/sister/in-law/tjomma/friend/confidant/angel/wife, Louise Kruger Claassen. Louise has had a few unfortunate, and heart breaking, health setbacks lately (short synopses below) and is in need of some special medical care. The problem is that the care she requires, has strict criteria and improvement timelines attached by medical aid that don't allow for smoother transition, and more lenient goals, in therapies if the situation so requires.
Currently, mom requires a facility with the right staff and experience to properly and thoroughly handle her specific case, which amounts to an unpleasant sum monthly.
Additionally, medically supportive transportation to the appropriate facility is needed.
Some of the equipment her condition requires will be partially covered by the medical support.
Her husband is now in the unfortunate position to have to rearrange their living arrangements entirely to make as much of his earnings available to fund any requirements she might have.
A substantial part of which will be the savings he will make by moving in(rent free) with his one son, who graciously offered to take dad in until the situation can improve to such a degree that they would deem it fit to move out again.
Jakes is, and has been, on a rollercoaster that has had way too many downs than ups unfortunately, but tries earnestly to stay as positive as one can when your most loved one has had such a major setback. All of your prayers and messages of support have gone a tremendous way in supporting him emotionally and spiritually in this tough time.
Thank you again to all those voices and messages, from close to far, as well as new to old.
You have already made a world of difference!
Louise has always been someone we could rely on during difficult times, and now it’s our turn to pay it forward. We want to raise funds through this campaign to support Louise in finding appropriate and less aggressive care. Every donation, regardless of the amount, will bring us closer to reaching our goal.
We understand that times are tough and only hope to ask those who sincerely believe they can, but with your help, we can make a massive difference in Louise's surroundings, therapies and life. We ask that you please consider donating to this campaign and sharing it with your friends and family. Together, we can help Louise get the necessary care she needs.
Thank you for your support.
Jacob C Claassen (Son - the other one)
Short synopsis of Louise's recent health journey:
• 26/12/2023: Louise has a cerebrovascular accident (severe stroke) in the early afternoon on Boxing Day. She is rushed to ICU where she spends the next 4-5 weeks. She requires at first only a ventilator but later a tracheotomy as well. And resultantly a “peg-bag” for feeding purposes.
• 19/01/2024: Plans for brain surgery are canceled as the bleeding has sufficiently drained, indicating progress.
• 25/01/2024: Louise's condition remains stable as she gradually reduces reliance on the ventilator and engages in more activities.
• 12/02/2024: Louise experiences an epileptic seizure, requiring observation and medication adjustments.
• 13/02/2024: Louise remains stable, mostly sleeping but showing occasional signs of awareness.
• 14/02/2024: Family and friends continue to offer prayers and support, even more so on her birthday, as Louise's journey toward recovery continues.
- Mar 04, 2024 - USD $ 113.22 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Mar 04, 2024 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Baie sterkte vir almal!" - Anonymous
- Mar 01, 2024 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Mar 01, 2024 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "" - Caren Swartz
- Mar 01, 2024 - R 2 000.00
- "Ons bid dat die Here tannie se hand sal vat en hierdie pad saam tannie sal stap, ons weet tannie gaan een helse herstel beleef. Bitter sterkte aan die familie en Loudie, jys n yster vrou, ek dink aan julle." - Thea Schutte
- Feb 29, 2024 - USD $ 28.02 Fees covered
- "Word gou gesond!! Ek mis jou sussie" - Jou kleinsus
- Feb 29, 2024 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "Louise jy het 'n yster gesin! Mag die Here jou styf vashou en gesond maak en vir jou gesin krag gee in hierdie pad van herstel. Julle is in ons gebede God is Groot xxx" - Feef & Mari
- Feb 29, 2024 - USD $ 11.21 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Feb 29, 2024 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
- Feb 29, 2024 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous