Kilimanjaro Burns Challenge
- By: Dr Kamlen Pillay
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/kamlen-to-kilimanjaro
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
Dear Friend,
I'm excited to share with you a new challenge we have embarked on, to raise money for children in need.
Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa at 19,341 feet ( 5,895 meteres ), and one of the most challenging treks in the world.
On 17th June 2019, we will be embarking on a grueling 9 day challenge, with a team of inspiring individuals dedicated to raising funds for children in need. Every kilometer we cover helps The Avela Foundation provide children with burn injuries an opportunity to receive treatments for their scarring and to aid in their physical & pyschological recovery.
We will be part of a team raising over $32 million, by making the sacrifice of training over the next few months to cope with hiking between 4-14 hours each day.
I have been asked to raise R75 000, and I would be extremely honored, if you are able to support this cause with a tax-deductable donation.
Since each of our team have paid ALL our own expenses on this expedition, and will also be making our own donation to this incredible cause, we are asking for your support in donating any amount you can.
You can make a tax-deductabledonation directly here:
All the funds raised will go directly to The Avela Foundation.
Together with your generosity, we can make a difference.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Kamlen Pillay
021-465 6557
Please Help Us Spread The Word: Share This Campaign
- Jul 29, 2019 - USD $ 36.79 Fees covered
- "Best wishes Kamlen for this beautiful cause, your trip of adventure, and your continued passion for helping others in need, with gratitude thank you, Lisa" - Lisa Simonetta
- Jun 25, 2019 - USD $ 36.61 Fees covered
- "Good luck friend. X " - Keren Kilcoyne
- Jun 24, 2019 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "Keep up the good work." - Nomphelo
- Jun 13, 2019 - R 2 500.00 Fees covered
- "All the best Kamalan great initiative! Vivian " - Vivian Reddy
- Jun 11, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "All the best!" - Shaal
- Jun 11, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "All the best bru! Keep looking up;)" - Nitrous
- Jun 10, 2019 - USD $ 141.25 Fees covered
- "Dear Kamlen, Sanne of the SouthAfrican team Munich recommended your project and I´m so impressed about your initiative and personal engagement. And very happy to support you with a small contribution." - Dietmar
- Jun 10, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "?? " - Kim Worthington
- Jun 10, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck !! Wishing you all the best in this Noble Adventure" - Anita Culhane
- Jun 10, 2019 - R 500.00
- "God bless you Kamlen. We are so proud of you. " - Saroj Pillay
- Jun 09, 2019 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Skop jou skoene uit en onvriend jou vrese!! Have a magical time. " - Ernst
- Jun 07, 2019 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "...." dein Projekt und dein Einsatz sind beeindruckend ..schoen, dass es Menschen wie dich gibt...." Simply amazing..." - Sanne
- Jun 07, 2019 - R 1 000.00
- "Keep up the good work God bless " - Adiel De Bruyns
- Jun 07, 2019 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "Keep up the great work_ wish you strength for this adventure" - Dumelang Media - ONeil Nair
- Jun 06, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Kam!" - Dominique Blom
- Jun 06, 2019 - USD $ 669.15 Fees covered
- "Hey Kamlen, glad to have met you recently and wish you all the best in this noble effort!" - Serge Ngoie
- Jun 05, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Thank you for always being the kind and caring person you are. You always go the extra mile to help people. From Jacqui, Ryann and Emily" - Emily Dean
- Jun 04, 2019 - R 500.00
- "Good luck" - B Matthews
- Jun 03, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Great initiative Kam! All the very best...looking forward to hearing about this adventure on your return." - Lilly
- Jun 03, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Kam!" - Reagon
- Jun 03, 2019 - USD $ 210.40 Fees covered
- "Best of luck and have fun!" - Naomi
- Jun 03, 2019 - USD $ 576.94 Fees covered
- "Good Luck ! Great what what you are doing ! Lg Carmen " - Carmen Feuersinger
- Jun 03, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Such an Amazing cause. Dr will always be Our Hero! All the Best!" - Natasha & Yousif
- Jun 03, 2019 - R 10 000.00 Fees covered
- "Kamlen. Good luck my dear friend and well done. Just keep one foot ahead of the next!" - Di and Craig Featherby
- Jun 02, 2019 - R 500.00
- "All the best Kam , so proud of you. " - Rosanne
- May 31, 2019 - R 800.00 Fees covered
- "good luck and all the best!" - Kai
- May 31, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Honorable Challenge Kam! Best wishes with the hike." - Dharmen
- May 24, 2019 - R 5 000.00 Fees covered
- "So proud of you kam!" - Nicky and neil
- May 22, 2019 - R 1 000.00
- "Good luck Dr P ??" - Lindsay Hattingh
- May 21, 2019 - USD $ 66.99 Fees covered
- "Good luck bro...well done on taking up this challenge " - Safwaan
- May 21, 2019 - R 500.00
- "Wish you all the best Kams " - Shaun
- May 16, 2019 - USD $ 73.99 Fees covered
- "Good luck Kam! What a champion!" - Simon Widdison
- May 16, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Doc all the best" - Mike -Ergon Medical
- May 14, 2019 - USD $ 69.77
- "Best of luck Kamlen be safe ????????" - Massimo Gioiella
- May 14, 2019 - R 1 000.00
- "Well done Dr Kamlen you are a beautiful soul with big heart ??" - Daniel Yakcobi
- May 14, 2019 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "Great initiative! All the best Kamlen!" - Abdul
- May 13, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Great stuff Kams . Always reassuring to see others trying to make a difference in life " - Dr Delon Bhagaloo
- May 12, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Wishing you everything of the best " - Sanyu and Gitesh
- May 10, 2019 - USD $ 36.67 Fees covered
- "Important work you are doing Kam, wishing you all the best on this incredible journey!" - Anna
- May 10, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Inspirational ." - Dr Lee Govender
- May 10, 2019 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Awesome cause, all the best!!! Hope to join soon as well..." - Niven, Aryana & Gitali
- May 10, 2019 - USD $ 174.28
- "Goooooooo Kamlen!!!!!!!!" - Sandalene
- May 09, 2019 - R 3 000.00 Fees covered
- "Kam you really are a true inspiration. " - Sorbet Kloof
- May 09, 2019 - R 2 000.00 Fees covered
- "Amazing wishing you the best of luck!" - Amira
- May 09, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- May 08, 2019 - R 2 500.00 Fees covered
- "Excellent work bro! The world needs more amazing prople like you!" - Derain
- May 08, 2019 - USD $ 364.37 Fees covered
- "Best of luck Kams....you got this ??????????????????????" - Anushka and Mahesh
- May 08, 2019 - USD $ 58.55 Fees covered
- "????????" - Agata
- May 08, 2019 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Kamster" - Nick
- May 08, 2019 - R 500.00
- "All the best" - Nomonde
- Apr 09, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "So very proud of the significance of what you're doing Kamlen. " - Rob and Nan
- Apr 08, 2019 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "You are an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work!!!" - Gerald
- Mar 01, 2019 - USD $ 74.71 Fees covered
- "Thank you Dr. Kam for joining us to Kili. You help so much already the kids with burns and now you are taking on this challenge to help even more. Forever grateful my dear friend. " - Cami Palomo