- By: Hettie Botha
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/hettie-botha-5814956091816571298
- Date Created: 19 January 2024
Personal message
Liewe deernisvolle siele,
Ek vind dat ek met 'n swaar hart en 'n diep gevoel van dringendheid na jou uitreik. Onlangs het my wêreld ’n onverwagse wending geneem toe my geliefde ma ’n beroerte gekry het. Vandag woon sy in die versorgingsafdeling van 'n ouetehuis en worstel met die uitdagings wat met so 'n toestand gepaardgaan.
Die finansiële las wat ons getref het, is geweldig, ver oortref wat ek en my man, albei ontvangers van SASSA-ondersteuning, kan regkry. Om by te dra tot die kompleksiteit, vereis my ma, nou in haar 80's, konstante sorg, insluitend die gebruik van doeke. As haar enigste kind staan ek alleen in die skouer van hierdie verantwoordelikhede, met geen ander familielede wat kan bydra nie.
My ma se 80ste verjaarsdag lê op die horison, en my vurige wens is om te verseker dat sy haar oorblywende jare in vrede en gemak deurbring. Die koste verbonde aan haar verblyf in die sorgafdeling, tesame met die herhalende uitgawes vir doeke, het vir ons 'n oorweldigende bekommernis geword.
Alhoewel ek dankbaar is vir die ondersteuning wat van 'n paar borge ontvang is, het 'n onvoorsiene terugslag ons van koers gegooi. Die uitgawes wat verband hou met my ma se sorg het toegeneem, en ek vind myself weereens uitreik na die vriendelikheid van vreemdelinge, in die hoop dat ons saam 'n verskil in haar lewe kan maak.
Jou vrygewigheid sal meer beteken as wat woorde kan uitdruk. Ek versoek u nederig om te oorweeg om by te dra tot ons saak en 'n baken van lig te wees in ons uitdagende reis. Jou ondersteuning sal nie net my ma se lewe beïnvloed nie, maar sal vir altyd in ons harte gegraveer wees as 'n simbool van deernis en gedeelde menslikheid.
Met opregte dankbaarheid,
Dear Compassionate Souls,
I find myself reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a deep sense of urgency. Recently, my world took an unexpected turn when my beloved mother suffered a stroke. Today, she lives in the care unit of a nursing home and struggles with the challenges that come with such a condition.
The financial burden that has hit us is immense, far beyond what my husband and I, both recipients of SASSA support, can manage. Adding to the complexity, my mother, now in her 80s, requires constant care, including the use of diapers. As her only child, I shoulder these responsibilities alone, with no other family members to contribute.
My mother's 80th birthday is on the horizon, and my fervent wish is to ensure that she spends her remaining years in peace and comfort. The costs associated with her stay in the care unit, along with the recurring expenses for diapers, became an overwhelming concern for us.
Although I am grateful for the support received from a few sponsors, an unforeseen setback threw us off course. The expenses associated with my mother's care have increased, and I find myself once again reaching out to the kindness of strangers, hoping that together we can make a difference in her life.
Your support will not only impact my mother's life but will forever be engraved in our hearts as a symbol of compassion and shared humanity.
Thank you,
- Jan 27, 2024 - R 10.00 Fees covered
- "" - Anonymous
Mother Campaign

I'm urgently seeking financial assistance for my mother, who recently suffered a stroke and now resides in the care section of a nursing home.
The costs, beyond what my husband and I can afford on our SASSA support, include her lodgings and the ongoing expenses for diapers. As her only child, I lack familial support. With her 80th birthday approaching, I'm reaching out for help to ensure she lives her remaining years in peace.
Any financial support would be deeply appreciated, as we face unexpected setbacks in covering her care expenses.
Your generosity would make a profound impact on my mother's well-being.
Thank you.