Help me to donate 1000 Bibles for Sudan on my 60th birthday!
- By: Annelise de Jager
- Short URL:
- Date Created: 13 September 2021
Personal message
On 28 September 2021, I will turn 60!! What a privilege to celebrate this milestone birthday. On this special birthday, I want to make a lasting difference - I want to make an impact that will go far beyond my lifetime. I want to raise funds for the distribution of Bibles.
It is lovely to receive a gift, but I am blessed with so much that I really do not need anything more. So, if you would like to give me something, why not rather contribute what you would have spent on a gift, to my project to distribute Bibles in Sudan.
It sounds unreal but there are still people in the world who do not have access to God's word. Sudan 4 Jesus is one of the charity organizations involved in my training programs and I support their work wholeheartedly.
I want my special birthday to mean something. Just imagine the impact of distributing 1 000 Bibles to people who have never owned one!
So, if you would like to spoil me, please make a donation to Sudan4Jesus, and let's give a gift that will last forever - a gift that will echo into eternity.
- Sep 30, 2021 - USD $ 13.18
- "Thank you for the motivation & inspiration. God will enlarge your territory Happies of birthdays " - Moira
- Sep 30, 2021 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Happy Birthday liefste buurvrou! " - Helene Potgieter
- Sep 30, 2021 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Numbers 6:24-26. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." - Maggie Moore
- Sep 29, 2021 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Happy bday enjoy" - Nanna
- Sep 29, 2021 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Happy Birthday Annelise, thank you for the privelege to be a part of something greater and being selfless in giving of your birthday wish to those that need it most!!!" - Eric Jensen
- Sep 29, 2021 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Met liefde" - Prins
- Sep 29, 2021 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Happy Birthday Annelise, wishing you endless blessings for the years ahead " - Heike
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "n Voorreg om deel te kan wees van jou verjaarsdagwens. Dankie vir die verskil wat jy maak!!!" - Century Macrame & Anette
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 300.00
- "Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag Analise" - Sunette
- Sep 28, 2021 - USD $ 6.69
- "Lekker verjaar, Gods rykste seeninge op hierdie speciale dag! " - Annette
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 500.00
- "Happy 60th Birthday Annelise!! Be blessed as you are a blessing to so many!!!" - Dave & Karen
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Jy het n hart van goud! Baie lief vir jou. Die Theron's" - Cornel & Philip
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Dear Annelise - we trust you have a blessed day and may the year ahead be filled with many new memories. Thank you for thinking of others. I love this iniciative xxx" - Sean & Deenie
- Sep 28, 2021 - USD $ 6.69
- "This is it. The BIG 6-0 For a Wonderful Human Being. You are 60 Years of Incredible Style and Adorable Goodness. Happy Birthday Annelise." - Manuela
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 100.00 Fees covered
- "Read, Remember and Rejoice God’s Word" - Tershia de Wet
- Sep 28, 2021 - USD $ 6.69
- "Glory be to God, malihambe ivangeli, " - Sonto
- Sep 28, 2021 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Baie geluk met jou verjaardag! " - Malie
- Sep 26, 2021 - R 398.56 Fees covered
- "Gekukkige Verjaarsdag " - Patrecia
- Sep 24, 2021 - R 660.00
- "Love your work !" - André Nel
- Sep 23, 2021 - R 150.00 Fees covered
- "Die Here Jesus seën jou vandag en in die toekoms met Sy rykste seëninge, tot Sy eer! Mag die bereiking van dié doelwit vir jou die grootste seën wees!" - Johan M
- Sep 22, 2021 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "We are Blessed when we are able to Bless others , Happy 60th Birthday my friend" - Michelle
- Sep 22, 2021 - R 50.00 Fees covered
- "What a great thing to do. " - Erich
- Sep 22, 2021 - R 300.00 Fees covered
- "Happy Bibles Birthday " - Mike Silberman
- Sep 17, 2021 - USD $ 14.48 Fees covered
- "I hope it will be a blessed birthday and that all the people who will benefit also be blessed by having a bible to read every day" - Sanet van Moerkerken
- Sep 16, 2021 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "May your light always shine so bright Annelise. Happy Birthday " - Dalene Bishop
- Sep 15, 2021 - R 100.00 Fees covered
- "Thank you for NPO 2020. Welcome to the pensioner club" - Terry Hattingh
- Sep 15, 2021 - R 100.00 Fees covered
- "Mar. 16:15: “Gaan uit, die hele wêreld in, en verkondig die evangelie aan die hele mensdom." - Marlize

Please help us support the Sudan Support Network
S4J is a fundraiser where athletes who run the Comrades marathon (and other races) raise funds to help the people of Sudan and South Sudan. We focus on providing help to war victims, as well as those in avoided and neglected communities where help is needed most.
The primary focus is providing these communities with access to clean water and assistance to those who share the Good News of Jesus Christ to those in need.
Please help us support people in Sudan and South Sudan. You could help by:
To find out more about S4J click here.
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