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Mediese Hulp vir Lena

Mediese Hulp vir Lena

Funds Raised:
R 189
Fundraising Target:
R 60 000

Personal message

My Moeder is in Desember met terminale kanker gedianotiseer. Hulle kan niks meer vir haar doen nie.  Op die oomblik kyk haar suster Rina na haar, waarvoor ek baie dankbaar is.

Tannie Rina kan self nie meer baie help nie en probeer haar beste.
My Moeder is n sagte mens en n Moeder wat altyd vir almal sou help.  Dit is nou ons tyd om haar by te staan en haar te help. 

Sy het nou net daai bietjie ekstra hulp nodig en daarom wil ons haar graag in Hospic laat sit waar sy haar laaste dae met die beste mediese behandeling en omgee kan ervaar.
Sonder die fondse sal dit nie moontlik wees nie.
Ek vra asseblief, elke bietjie sal help.
My Moeder isen sal altyd my ROTS bly en daarom vra ek hulp vir elkeen wat weet watse besonderse mens sy is.
English Version:
My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December. They can't do anything more for her now. At the moment, her sister Rina is taking care of her, for which I am very grateful. Aunty Rina can't help much herself anymore and is trying her best.

My mother is a gentle person and a mother who would always help everyone. Now it's our time to support and help her.

She just needs that little extra help now, and that's why we would like to place her in a hospice where she can experience her last days with the best medical treatment and care. Without the funds, it won't be possible.

I ask please, every bit will help.

My mother is and will always be my ROCK, and that's why I ask for help from everyone who knows what a special person she is.


  • Feb 11, 2024 - USD $ 11.38 Fees covered
  • "" - Anonymous


Fundraising target

R 60 000.00

Donations to date

R 189.20

Mediese Hulp vir Lena Campaign

Charity Default Logo

My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December, and we need help funding her care in hospice. / My moeder is in Desember gediagnoseer met terminale kanker, en ons het hulp nodig om haar sorg in 'n hospice te befonds.