Gita Swims Dead Sea for Madswimmers
- By: Gita Osrin
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/gita-swims-dead-sea-for-madswimmers
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
If you are on my BackaBuddy page then you are thinking of backing me... even if you are not quite sure what we are up to.
A few months ago I was approached by a friend to join her swim across the Dead Sea from Jordan to Israel as part of the MadSwimmer team.
Like you, I thought she must be MAD, but being a little mad myself, decided to take up the challenge and have started training towards the goal of swimming 16km at the lowest point on earth, in a body of water with a 30% saline level... which has NEVER been done before.
What keeps me focused is knowing that we are raising funds for charities that do incredible work, such as Just the One Foundation, The Children's Hospital Trust, Ikamva Labantu, Ort and many more that make the WORLD of difference to the lives of children and communities less fortunate than my
We have funded our own trip and operational expenses are covered by corporate sponsorship, so YOUR donation goes 100% towards these deserving charities.
So here's to a successful crossing on the 15th November 2016, and an even more successful fund raising challenge!!!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
- Nov 17, 2016 - USD $ 157.80 Fees covered
- "Gita, you are an inspiration to us all and have set the bar incredibly high. What a brilliant achievement! Love and kisses" - Tracy and David Alpert
- Nov 15, 2016 - R 3 000.00 Fees covered
- "Amazing GITS!!! Next time I'm with you in this. Swim for both of us darling. So proud of u " - Lisa and Steve
- Nov 08, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck meshugane! Make us proud!" - Sarit and Amir
- Nov 08, 2016 - R 600.00
- "Full of admiration for what you are doing to raise money for all these charities." - Maeva Osrin
- Nov 06, 2016 - R 250.00
- "U go Geets pump up the jam" - Debbie
- Nov 03, 2016 - R 500.00
- "You are a superstar !! Good luck!" - Efrat and Ronnie Mazor
- Nov 03, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Amazing ... Best of Luck!" - Dominique Eisenberg
- Nov 03, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Well done.. You have come a long way from waitressing with 2 left feet!" - Tracey Cohen
- Nov 02, 2016 - R 250.00
- "Well done Git, we know you gonna do well!!" - Michelle and Michael
- Nov 01, 2016 - R 600.00 Fees covered
- "good luck Gita....with love The Rubins xx" - Karen Rubin
- Nov 01, 2016 - USD $ 140.54 Fees covered
- "We love you Gita...oh yes we do! Fantastic effort...for a soon to be AK50!" - Alan and Cindy
- Oct 27, 2016 - USD $ 715.25
- "Geet, you mad person you! Always amazing, always an inspiration. You go girl!" - Arenson Family
- Oct 25, 2016 - R 540.00
- "Go Geet! We're proud of you!" - Stan Lisa and Caz
- Oct 24, 2016 - R 1 500.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Gits!! Your great big heart is so inspirational - will be thinking of you xx" - Mandy Micha Alon Ella & Phoebe
- Oct 24, 2016 - R 800.00 Fees covered
- "Go for it Gita!!" - Margaret & Brian
- Oct 21, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Best of luck " - Mandy and Gary Briner
- Oct 20, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Bloody brilliant... love your madness " - Pippa and John
- Oct 19, 2016 - R 3 000.00
- "Sorry can't be there to swim with you " - Stef and Derek
- Oct 19, 2016 - R 1 800.00 Fees covered
- "Wishing you good luck and a fantastic experience" - Samuel & Simone Seeff
- Oct 17, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Stepping out of one's comfort zone builds character. We're behind you every wave x" - Tanya, Bruce, Greg, Tash & Ryan
- Oct 17, 2016 - R 1 500.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Gita!!! Sounds completely bonkers but we will be rooting for you all of the way!" - Malcolm, Tamara, Daniel, Nicola & Jamie
- Oct 14, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Best of luck Gita. Love swimming next to you at Virgin. Inspirational." - Rael and Debbie
- Oct 14, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Phenom!! so proud of you Gita!!!" - Ariella Dick groeneweg
- Oct 13, 2016 - R 540.00 Fees covered
- "Amazing .... Good luck." - Jonathan and Marion
- Oct 13, 2016 - R 1 800.00
- "Best of luck !! " - Tzvi & Nicky
- Oct 12, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- Oct 12, 2016 - R 1 000.00
- "you go gita lita make us proud " - Mark and Gina Isserow
- Oct 11, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "love the madness" - mike and irene
- Oct 10, 2016 - USD $ 76.31 Fees covered
- "Don't drink the water - best of luck xxx" - anonymous friend
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 1 080.00 Fees covered
- "Good Luck !! Wishing you a safe trip & wonderful experience !!" - Lance & Alex Fanaroff
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "All best Git go for it!" - Brad and Col
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 514.00
- "MAD! Good luck Gita x" - Harold and Leora
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "Go Gita you can do it!!!!!" - Julian & Natacha
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 1 000.00
- "Good luck on your meshugas - looking forward to hearing about it !" - Bernard & Shelley
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 1 800.00 Fees covered
- "Happy floating across the Dead Sea - Love you, your biggest fan!!!" - Jonathan
- Oct 10, 2016 - R 3 600.00 Fees covered
- "Gita you rock! Amazing endeavour! " - Avi & Sharon
- Oct 10, 2016 - USD $ 76.31 Fees covered
- "You must be mad! Love you! So proud of you!" - NEWMAN FAMILY
- Oct 09, 2016 - R 360.00 Fees covered
- "Best of luck! " - Michelle C
- Oct 09, 2016 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "With you in spirit all the way! " - Michelle
- Oct 09, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Mad but amazing. You go girl! Xxx" - Barnetts
- Sep 23, 2016 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- ":)" - Neil
- Sep 14, 2016 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Have a great swim brave lady, will be praying for you. " - Margie Peens

Madswimmer is a registered non-profit company consisting of individuals involved with daring open water swims to raise funds for children’s charities. They are established businessmen and women in their own right, but also do these extreme, adventurous swims. Take a look at some previous campaigns here to see how they managed to raise over USD900 000 over the past 13 years.