Dave rasa 2011
- By: Dave Cochran
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/dave-rasa2011
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
"Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"
Perhaps like "Ubuntu" it's become an African cliche'; which is no slight on the wisdom contained therein. Much of what we do in life in some or other manner effects others - for better or for worse. There can be few things as pleasant as doing something one finds personally stimulating and challenging and yet through which one is able to add some measure of value or opportunity to others; who simply by circumstance find themselves in a less fortunate situation.
Please support me in raising funds for the FC Scholarship Fund 2011; the aim is to go beyond the 5 Mariazell High School Scholarships awarded in 2010. Your donation confirms the magnitude of a small gesture, one that has the potential to positively change a young persons life forever; truly a 'gift for life'.
- Aug 01, 2011 - R 2 000.00
- "Much admiration on many levels" - Sue R
- Jul 18, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "We think you are awesome! " - Spook, Colleen, Keagan & Kelli
- Jun 26, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "It's a great thing that you are doing. Full support from Aus. ( excepr in matters of Rugby )" - Rudolf Brunovs
- Jun 25, 2011 - R 1 300.00
- "TOY every "step" & "peddle" of the way" - FG
- Jun 21, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "Good luck, one helluva cycle" - Unique Labels
- Jun 21, 2011 - R 200.00
- "Good luck with your amazing project" - Yvonne Rimer
- Jun 20, 2011 - R 500.00
- "Go Dave and enjoy the RIDE !!!!!!" - DC
- Jun 20, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "Best of luck Dave from all of us at Deep Yellow/Reptile Uranium in Australia and Namibia" - Mervyn Greene
- Jun 18, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "hamba kahle......" - Joy
- Jun 17, 2011 - R 400.00
- "Vasbyt, ons dink aan jou." - Krippel Wielie en Hernie
- Jun 17, 2011 - R 2 000.00
- "Go for it DJ - we will be watching you in awe" - Ouboet & Dapper
- Jun 16, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back....while I'm having a Jameson" - Leprechaun
- Jun 15, 2011 - R 6 000.00
- "Good Luck, and please find Rudolf......" - Cad Mapping and F Claus
- May 30, 2011 - R 600.00
- "Good luck Mr Davis, the machine." - Barend
- May 30, 2011 - R 700.00
- "Take your protein pills & put your helmet on.." - Ground Control
- May 26, 2011 - R 500.00
- "What you are doing is incredible. We wish you the very best of luck and will be thinking about you along the way. Take care with love" - Swaerie & K-Seester
- May 26, 2011 - R 200.00
- "As Mia is being so stingy here is a little something from "Mamma Mia". Best of luck with love Mom" - Granny Cochran
- May 23, 2011 - R 1 400.00
- "With best wishes!" - Geosoft
- May 15, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "backaballie..very proud of you..GOOD LUCK!!!" - Byron Cochran
- May 04, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "you are a true inspiration to others.... good luck you will need it..." - Xl Michelle's Travel
- Apr 20, 2011 - R 500.00
- "Give it hell and good luck. I think you are going to need it." - Charlie Symons
- Apr 18, 2011 - R 2 000.00
- "Use a motorbike - guaranteed success - unless one falls off?" - Ozz
- Apr 15, 2011 - R 2 500.00
- "At your age & condition I can't risk the per km option!" - Bwana
- Apr 14, 2011 - R 2 000.00
- "But daddy can only take enough biltong for one, so you will have to stay and look after me.." - Storm's mommy
- Apr 13, 2011 - R 200.00
- "The stingy b*tch will have to guard the property" - Mia
- Apr 13, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "Waimarana - Schwaimarana you will need a REAL African Dude to see you through - take me" - Don Deigo.
- Apr 12, 2011 - R 2 000.00
- "Weimaraners NEVER get lost, take me with" - Storm
Freedom Challenge Scholarship Fund

Over the last number of years participants in the events arranged by the Freedom Challenge have expressed an interest in giving back something to the people along the route. After much consideration we have decided that a good starting point would be to establish an educational fund to benefit the scholars living along the Mehloding section of the trail. This section falls within the area formerly known as the Transkei and has been identified in various social development studies as one of the poorest parts of the South Africa.
The Fund offers a 3 year scholarships for promising students to attend the private school located at the Mariazell Mission just below the Malekhalonyane Chalets which is one of our support stations used for the Ride Across South Africa and Ride to Rhodes events. http://www.wix.com/allensharp1/fcsf
We are now challenging the 2014 FC participants to let their mountain biking passion benefit the local communities that span the Freedom Trail. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute directly to uplift the knowledge and lives of individuals and communities through education.
The Fund is run under the auspices of The Freedom Challenge’s annual, extreme and unsupported, mountain bike race extending from Pietermaritzburg to Cape Town www.freedomchallenge.org.za This is a project of the Freedom Trail Foundation.