Lisa's 947 for National Council of SPCA's
- By: Lisa Gibson
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/lisas-947-for-national-council-of-spcas
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
Hi All,
I am once again cycling for a cause that is very dear to my heart.
Please support me either by selecting the donate button next to the barometer or SMS-ing 947-19 to 38018 to donate R25.
- Nov 19, 2017 - USD $ 22.59 Fees covered
- "Proud of you leelor! " - Carol Jones
- Oct 04, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Kick ass my friend!!!" - Lisa Hawkins
- Oct 04, 2017 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "GO LISA!!! X" - ALi Cat
- Oct 03, 2017 - USD $ 19.99
- "Good luck Lisa! With all the training you're putting in, bet you'll smash it xx" - Mel