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HOLAH Special Needs ECD Center

HOLAH Special Needs ECD Center

Funds Raised:
R 20 000
Fundraising Target:
R 200 000

Personal message

Likhon iThemba is a registered NPO and PBO organisation, with our main project being HOLAH Baby Home and Special Needs Home. We currently have 25 children in our care; only ten can attend school due to funding and ability.

We have been donated a 40ft shipping container by the Rotary club of Hillcrest and would like to convert it into a Special Needs ECD Center that all our school-ready children can enjoy.

We currently have 25 children in our care, of whom 11 are special needs children. The nine children with special needs who are now not in an educational program can join in the daily school activities at a level and pace that caters to their needs. Our more inclusive learning space would also be used by therapists who provide occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and alternative communication.

The teaching environment would include classroom-based activities and much-needed educational outings, enabling the children in our care to gain confidence in various social settings, expand their life experiences, and learn essential life skills.

  • Conversion of a donated 40FT shipping container for use as a multi-use ECD Centre - R100 000
  • Relocation of existing therapy hut into the school area - R30 000
  • Tables, chairs, shelving, storage- R10 000
  • School equipment and stationery- R5000
  • Educational resources- R10 000
  • Special Needs therapy equipment- R10 000
  • Radio- R1000
  • Laptop and printer- R10 000
  • Upskill x2 staff members to become teacher's assistants- R5000
  • The new grassed area outside the school- R20 000


  • Dec 08, 2023 - USD $ 1 065.60
  • "" - Sally

  • Dec 04, 2023 - R 1 000.00
  • "Such an honor to be able to partner with you guys in achieving this incredible centre for the kiddies so close to our hearts. We love you guys. X" - Caelim, Jodie, Cade, Cody & Cruz


Fundraising target

R 200 000.00

Donations to date

R 20 000.00

Likhon iThemba

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Likhon iThemba, which means there is hope, is a registered Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organization based in Crestholme on a small farm holding just outside of Hillcrest, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.   Managed by Kim Brown and Leanne Lorrance, they are supported by a diverse team of 19 committed staff who work in capacities across our projects.

As a relatively young organization, established in 2012 our services have grown exponentially in 10 years, largely driven by our passion, hands on approach and our desire to make a difference in the lives of young children. Through our work, we provide a safe and caring home for young children awaiting adoption or reunion with their families. We aim to create lasting solutions for the orphan crises in South Africa and believe in the potential of every child, no matter their background or circumstance. We provide a safe and loving family environment for abandoned children.