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Make a difference to other’s lives. Raise money for a cause or organisation close to your heart.

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New projects

05 Mar 2024
HELLEN LAURA MNISI has created a new project EDUCATION
05 Mar 2024
Yasmeen Ismail has created a new project Dishwasher solution
05 Mar 2024
Kimberly Madlovu has created a new project Help me do a curses

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Fundraising is simple and efficient with BackaBuddy! Register your cause or organisation and start your campaign today.

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Funds raised

06 Mar 2024
R  5 878
06 Mar 2024
R  1 269

It’s really simple. You can donate directly to a cause, or support any one of our champions with their fundraising campaign.

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Funds donated

06 Mar 2024
US $ 20
Anonymous donated US $ 20 to Saving Audios Life 69520 Campaign via Saving Audios Life
06 Mar 2024
US $ 158