Hulp vir Dian Campaign
This campaign is for Dian De La Porte aged 23. Dian was admitted to Pnehaven hospital with an abses on his intestines. That needs to be removed urgently. He has been moved to Leratong due to no medical aid or fund to cover the medical bills. He is receives nursing care,but no promise of the operation happening soon. We are raising funds so that he can be moved to a private hospital and receive the cricitial medical care he need. Including the operation We are asking for any type of donation. Your donation big or small will bring us closer saving Dian's life.Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Baie sterkte ons dink aan julle. Here ons bid by u en vra om U hand van geneesing oor Dian te hou. Amen
Chantelle Dunlop
Sending my love
Katherine Duncan
I hope you get the operation you need and get well soon. 😊
From Shane Dunlop
Alan Lesley
Activity feed
Chantelle Dunlop donated R 200 via Help Dian - Urgent Operation Needed
29 Dec 2023
R 200
Katherine Duncan donated US $ 7 via Help Dian - Urgent Operation Needed
29 Dec 2023
US $ 7
Tina donated US $ 80 via Help Dian - Urgent Operation Needed
29 Dec 2023
US $ 80
Anonymous donated R 50 via Help Dian - Urgent Operation Needed
29 Dec 2023
R 50