Cancer treatment for Susan Campaign
I received my breast cancer diagnosis in July 2022 and completed initial chemotherapy at a state hospital due to the absence of medical aid insurance. Unfortunately, a private oncologist's misinformation caused a delay in vital treatment.
As a Stage 4 patient, I urgently require a revised treatment plan suggested by a highly regarded private oncologist involving Herceptin, Taxol and Zometa, regular CT scans, sonars, and blood work, costing approximately R460 000. (for 2 years worth of treatment). Unfortunately the state hospital does not provide these treatments and so the cancer is spreading.
Regrettably, we lack the financial means for these crucial procedures. Facing the urgency of my situation and transitioning to the private sector for care, I feel compelled to seek assistance. Your support during this critical time would be immensely appreciated.
Herewith the costs set out by the Dr:
1. Taxol (chemo) drip every week - R2889.61 per week (a total of 13 weekly treatments)
2. Dr consultation and facility fees for the Taxol - R7100 per week
3. Herceptin drip every 3 weeks - R9434.14 per treatment (total of 13 treatments every 3 weeks)
4. Zometa drip every 3 weeks - R747.50 per treatment (total of 13 treatments every 3 weeks)
5. Dr consultation fees and facility fees for the Herceptin and Zometa - R2950 per treatment
6. Ct scans twice a year, R22000 each
7. Blood test every month - R1200
8. Ultrasound/sonar every 3rd treatment - R2600
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Donor Messages
Hettie Lubbe
Sterkte liewe Susan, ek bid vir jou jou pragtige gesin en familie. Ons dien 'n Groot God.
Lisa Grosel
Sterkte en baie liefde.
Sterkte bid vir julle !!!! Mag jy gebless word met al die fondse en gou gou gesond word xx
Activity feed
Hettie Lubbe donated R 500 via Cancer treatment for Susan
06 Mar 2024
R 500
Lisa Grosel donated R 1 000 via Cancer treatment for Susan
05 Mar 2024
R 1 000
Anonymous donated US $ 57 via Cancer treatment for Susan
05 Mar 2024
US $ 57
Yantarni donated R 500 via Cancer treatment for Susan
05 Mar 2024
R 500
Hope FRASER donated US $ 28 via Cancer treatment for Susan
05 Mar 2024
US $ 28