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Pinelands North Primary School Logo

Pinelands North Primary School

"Excellent staff, motivated pupils and participative families working together to provide an inclusive quality education."

Pinelands North Primary School is a co-educational primary school situated in Pinelands, Cape Town.  Our school provides a happy and safe yet stimulating learning environment for pupils in Grades 1 to 7.

Our school draws amazing families from all over the world - families who tell us they could never imagine their children anywhere else.  We are truly an integrated community based school, made up of wealthy and poor, of all religions and nationalities, reflecting the racial demographics of the Western Cape.  Our families have learnt that by their children living and working side by side, they learn to live in peace too.

PNPS is a fee-paying school and has an excellent record of parent commitment.  We have established a Jubilee Bursary Fund, which offers financial aid to children currently enrolled at our school, whose parents are experiencing financial difficulty.  This fund helps provide the opportunity for these children to attend the school and obtain an outstanding, quality education.

Aim high

With a vibrant team of committed staff members, we seek to develop each child’s full potential. We encourage family involvement and value our relations with the wider community. We are proud of our excellent staff, motivated pupils and participative families who work together to provide quality education.

Inclusive approach to learning

PNPS is one of only fifteen public primary schools in the country that are recognised for excellence in their inclusive approach to learning. Our capacity building model ensures that teachers and teacher aides, in collaboration with various specialists, help all children to learn more effectively.

Reaching out

Our Early Act group, made up of pupils and teachers, makes sure that PNPS reaches out to the wider community. The group mobilizes support for various charities and raises awareness of people in need around the world and closer to home. Our outreach programme includes a charity tuck shop, collecting Christmas presents for underprivileged children and participating in national campaigns such as ‘Reach for a Dream’.


Fundraising target

R 50 000.00

Donations to date

R 18 200.00

Donor Messages

fabulous cause. Keep up the good work
Maxine W & Family
to PNPS!
Good luck Mr Nefdt!
Dominic Maujean
With thanks to my Mum and Dad
Alexander le roux 2E
In thanks to our parents
Patrizia Corrada Prati
Dedicated to the great-grandfather Bruno Corrada
Larsen Family
Congratulations and thanks for using your pain so that others can gain!
Max, Ansa & Keith Wiseman
"Shoot for the moon. If you miss it, you will land among the stars." Les Brown