My brother and his wife lived in a small house at Voelvlei Dam . On the 23/01/24 a fire destroyed everything. The fire started at the waterfall near Tulbagh and came over the mountain to the Dam where the houses on the sites were completely destroyed.They are both pensioners and have nothing left. I am one of my brother's sisters and I am doing everything possible to assist them. My brother is self employed but all his tools that he uses to create the product that he sells were destroyed in the fire. He is looking for a garage to use to create his small business again as quickly as possible. With the funds raised they can hopefully rebuild another home over time.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
So sorry you guys went through this
Tosca & Nellis VanderSchyf
Dear friends, We hope our modest contribution will help you reach your goal.
Sternberg Family
Hope this helps to get you back on your feet asap
Activity feed
Andrew donated R 500 via HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE
28 Jan 2024
R 500
Tosca & Nellis VanderSchyf donated US $ 288 via HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE
27 Jan 2024
US $ 288
Sternberg Family donated R 3 000 via HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE
26 Jan 2024
R 3 000