GoFund Streamer career Campaign
Hi my name is Nerisa-Lee, this campaign is to secure my future in the long run for my streamer career, I currently need PC parts to upgrade my rig as my mom is the only breadwinner in the family and I need this to secure money as an income for the household. Please consider donating even if its a small amount, this campaign is to ensure my families financial distress is down to a minimum. I humbly need help with this funding as my family and I are going through a financial predicament which is hindering our way of living. I need this income to bring food on our tables and to assist my mom getting to work as our car is being repossessed. This fund will impact my future in my content creation and to build a future for myself as an individual in these hard times of need. These funds will be used to upgrade my stream quality, to give an indication I am bringing in $100+ from streaming so imagine if I get these upgrades that amount will double as I am putting more in to the stream and then getting double the amount back.I really want to help my family to live comfortable lives. I am looking for a job but as of right now it is really difficult considering the circumstances of this country. I am willing to be my own boss and become an ultimate content streamer. I will really appreciate any help. I will put this fund to good use for the future. I will also use some of the money to help my Family to the best of my abelites. I am a very genuine person and positive and this is just the start of this new journey of my life. I wish nothing but success for our future in South Africa, so please consider mine.
Thank You Kindly.
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Donor Messages
Dr K
Go chase your career!!! :)
Don’t got much but I can help where I can 👍
Activity feed
Dr K donated US $ 108 via GoFund Streamer career
29 Jan 2024
US $ 108
Tsaone donated US $ 2 via GoFund Streamer career
19 Jan 2024
US $ 2
Tristan donated R 200 via GoFund Streamer career
19 Jan 2024
R 200
ili donated US $ 11 via GoFund Streamer career
07 Jan 2024
US $ 11