Business Startup to help out Campaign
My name is Muzi Khoza currently a Chemical Engineering student, I am based in Cape Town South Africa. Seeing a lot of homeless people with unclean(dirty) clothes busy hustling on the streets that makes other people to not take them seriously and that contribute to loosing self dignity l, confidence and being taken seriously by others.I want to start a laundromat business that will cost only a R5($0.27) for a basket of clothes so that the hustlers can keep their clothes cleans, so that some of them can get jobs, some can get their dignity back or be treated with dignity, some can be taken seriously.
This business will cost more R50000 but that R50000 will secure a building first, in a common area where everyone can come and wash their belongings and 2 commercial washing machines to get started. I have found the right and it is good but I need to be quick in making my offer before the deal goes away. I have until 18 February 2024 to make the payment so that I can start my business goal.
I want to help the homeless people because I love helping people because I believe in giving out 9 hand to those who need it.