SA WUKF National Championship Campaign
Good day, my name is Dillen Nel and I’m 14 years old. I’m currently on Brown belt 2 in karate. I really put everything into it and train very hard.I have the opportunity to go to the WUKF National Championships in Port Elizabeth on 21-23 March 2024 and need to raise funds to pay towards my travel, accommodation and karate kit.
These expenses are very high for my family to cover on their own thus I ask for any sponsorship or donations no matter how big or small.
I’m excited to go and compete to become a National Champ in my division.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Mnr Estian
Dillen, jy’t nog altyd ‘n groot plek in my hart! Jy’s ‘n inspirasie en werk hard. Ek’s trots op jou. Behou jou mooi amazing maniere, met dit en God aan jou kant, gaan jy nog baie vêr kom. Jou nederigheid is aansteeklik en so mooi. Jy gaan great doen.
Good luck my boy!
Activity feed
Mnr Estian donated R 475 via SA WUKF National Championship
05 Mar 2024
R 475
Irma donated US $ 3 via SA WUKF National Championship
04 Mar 2024
US $ 3