Elderly in need Campaign
Elderly in need is a project that was raised in my heart over the last few years on numerous occasions visiting old age homes and interacting with elderly people and seeing how getting old can be a burden to many due to financial reasons.How many elderly people have children? How many have a second income except SASSA? Most of our elderly people rely just on the SASSA grants and do not have a second income some do not even have children to support them..... some of the elderly have children but due to the fact that life is such a rush and life just getting more and more expensive many of the children can not afford to support their parents in need, nor do they have the time to even go for a visit and, the poor elderly starts to get and feel more and more neglected.
I have decided to ask around and saw backabuddy on facebook so today i am reaching out for help to start this project in faith. My aim is to rent either a big house or a open hostel that would be suitable for renting out rooms at an exceptionally very low cost where they elderly can get healthy meals and be taken good care of (please note not a frail care center).
Donations will be used for renting of premises, beds, bedding, linen, curtains, cutlery, cleaning chemicals, transport, and food stock.
I would like to take this opportunity and thank back a buddy for using this platform, and also all potential donors for their warm heart to support this course.