Supporting Donnel Campaign
Donnel, 16 years old, cannot walk and has high dependency on his single mother and younger sister who all stay in a single room with leaking roof, no running water, flood damage and live wires. His home is not friendly to his condition with narrow doorway and alleyways for which his mother lifts him out of his wheelchair to pass through. Due to this high dependence, his mother cannot get a job as her absence at home puts Donnel at risk. The aim is to raise enough money to put down a deposit and move them to a safer, more spacious and better equipped space whereby his mom will then be able to find a job and better provide for her family.
I’d like to take this moment to appeal to you, for either a monetary donation (which would be preferred as the goal is to get a safer and more functional home) or donations such as clothing, food and adult diapers. Please do donate and aid us in making a difference in his life. He’s bright, intelligent and has a universe in his eyes and deserves to live a life that is comfortable and full.
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Hope this can help💝
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 6 via Supporting Donnel
17 Jan 2024
US $ 6
Anonymous donated US $ 1 139 via Supporting Donnel
17 Jan 2024
US $ 1 139
Anonymous donated R 200 via Supporting Donnel
17 Jan 2024
R 200
Anonymous donated US $ 28 via Supporting Donnel
17 Jan 2024
US $ 28
Anonymous donated R 100 via Supporting Donnel
17 Jan 2024
R 100