Starting from Scratch 65299 Campaign
My name is Zarina, 27 year old mother of 2 from Durban, South Africa.I never thought I'd be in this position but here I am. I know there are far more deserving charities or individuals on this platform but I have to try. For my family, for my kids. I am appealing to you to help us.
I am attempting to raise funds to cover the cost of a place to stay in Pheonix, Durban.
We are a family of 4. Husband, wife and 2 kids aged 8 years old and 18 months old.
God has always been good to us in the past but unfortunately we are going through a rough patch now since my husband who was employed as a building supervisor lost his job in November 2023, note our family has been living on his work premises for almost 3 years now so we also lost our home.
It was very sudden with his employer telling us and expecting us to move out within 10 days forcefully because he decided to sell the building. We had all our belongings thrown outside as if we were tenants owing money to him, which was not case at all. Our fridge, bed mattresses and other valuables were just picked up by the street people in the area. By the time we got home most of our stuff was lost.
We are currently living with family in Yellowwood Park near Chatsworth but they can't keep us much longer since the landlord doesn't allow extra people and has given us till month end to leave.
In my case, I've been working at a call centre in Durban cbd for the past year but recently the company has been having issues paying salaries. For October I was paid R154 and November I received R452. I have opened a case at CCMA which will help me to get the money I worked for but it doesn't help my current predicament at all.
Right now we are trying to pick up the pieces and get some stability for our kids.
My husband has found another job in Pheonix which is very far from where we staying right now and transport costs are very high. I also have a job in cbd lined up to start in January since the company is going on Christmas break now.
What we need is to find a house or outbuilding in Pheonix immediately which is impossible to do on our own since we have no income until month end and even at that point my husband's salary alone will not cover rent and deposit, plus school fees for kids.
This is why I am humbly appealing for any help possible. Please help us now while we still can be helped.
I cannot bear this feeling of helplessness my family is going through. I know my kids are suffering as their whole world has been turned upside down. But we have to start picking up the pieces now.
We need this R10000 by month end so we can find a place in Pheonix. We estimate rent, deposit plus moving cost would be covered by this amount.
We are going for the cheapest place that will accommodate a family of 4.
Please assist.