Help me Start a business 66136 Campaign
My name is Zanethemba Mzimba and I'm from a Cape Town City called kraaifontein, I am husband and a father of 4, 3 boys and 1 girl. I've struggling to find a job for the past 3 years now and it's been hard as a man to not be able to sustain my family's future or even their next meal. I've always dreamed to have my own family a place for them to call home and lucky for me I had that but that was before COVID-19, since the pandemic I've lost my job, my house, my car and my family but I haven't given up yet even though the job hunt as proven futile. So I decided there's only one way out of the situation I'm in and it's to get my self out by starting a business so that I can change my current predicament and that of those living I'm my community sharing in the same problems I'm faced with.This is why I'm asking for help to raise funds that will enable me to purchase the equipment I need to get off the ground .
Please help wherever you can.
Thank you