Lets help Yanga run London Marathon Campaign
We are pleased to announce that our star elite athlete, and currently the top athlete in the Border, Yanga Malusi is one of two Border athletes who has been offered a Charity entry by the Kotelo Mbekeni Foundation, to participate in the London Marathon on 21 April 2024.
This offer includes accommodation costs, but excludes passport and visa costs as well as flights to and from the UK plus spending money, including flights from East London to Johannesburg
This is a huge honour and an opportunity of a lifetime for this talented athlete who hails from a poor background.
This opportunity will help him get explosure from potential sponsors and support to grow his career as he solely depends on running to make a living
Any support with financial assistance towards these costs would be greatly appreciated and will be tightly controlled. As soon as we have a better idea of flights and costs, we will post this.
Let’s get Yanga to London Marathon 2024!