University Funds 65725 Campaign
HiI would like to apply for fundraising for my younger sister,who will be doing her final year at the University of Free State studying Investment and Banking.
She has a historical debt of R80 000, from the previous year of study and thus she won't be allowed to register in the coming year, we have tried to help as a family but unfortunately no one is working at home thus Banks are not willing to help with loans.
Getting the funds will really mean a lot to my family, we will have a person who will be able to try and changes the situation at home.
My sister is the smartest person I know she has been able to reach so far against the odds, it would be heart breaking if she won't be able to finish her dream as working as an Investor.
She had previously applied for NSFAS and was rejected this came as a suprice because she meets the minimum requirements.
Your help will really be appreciated.
Thank you