Study Funds 68707 Campaign
Having being born and bred in the heart of mining in South Africa, a city named Emalahleni(city of coal),which was declared a High priority area in 2007, I have been exposed to the harsh impacts and effects of environmental and air pollution ,land degradation , acid mine drainage and Climate Change as a whole. Emalahleni is surrounded by over 10 power stations while there are over 20 mines legally operating .
I am determined to bring solutions and implementations that rehabilitate our land , renew our space while creating new Markets and Job opportunities in the environmental space.
As a passionate vigorous environmental activist , I have been privileged enough to serve in community engagement where we facilitated learning and training with environmental groups such Earth life, Groundwork, Greenpeace in attempting to educate the community and resolve some environmental issues.
As a MYACC(Mpumalanga Youth Against Climate Change ) leader, I’ve acquired training skills through a series of education programmes facilitated by Environmental Non-Profit Organizations such as the Bench-mark environmental group which had an intense impact on the community and its Awareness .
I am ultimately driven me to acquire my Honors Degree in Environmental Management and monitoting to further my studies beyond the undergraduate degree in Geography and Chemistry.
As an organization we were privileged enough to win the CPS innovation awards for climate change awareness and solutuons drama in 2012 along with the Premier’s award for clear climate change solutions dramatized poetry in 2014.
I Am a passionate and enthusiastic candidate with first hand environmental impact and interaction experience. I envision a new smart city/community through just transition into innovative, renewable and sustainable sources of energy.
I would highly appreciate being granted the opportunity to further my studies through your contribution, no matter how , it makes a large difference.
TM Maseko