Hayden and Kylin school supplies Campaign
Good day my name is Tneil Robertson from Newlands east Durban. I am an unemployed single mother of 2 boys aged 11 and 15. For the past couple of years I have been on and off homeless so my kids have not been able to live with me. My kids have suffered all this time always getting the short end of the stick. Now things are changing slowly and I am here coming to you for some help please just to get the year started right for them. My baby kylin who is 11 is going to grade 6 he has never had his own uniforms, bags, shoes or stationary. Same with his brother Hayden who is 15 going to grade 10. They are always wearing second hand stuff that barely fit.
I'm looking for a little help to start their year off good and positive. I'm looking for help to the value of about R5000. Basically both my kids need school shoes big sizes 6 and 10. They both need uniforms white shirts and school jersey or blazer. They need stationery my eldest needs a scientific calculator he needs different page flip files he needs highlighters and pens he needs hardcover books and book covers. They both need school bags . They need transport fees as they can't walk it's too far and not safe and my baby is epileptic so he can't be in the heat. They need neat haircuts.
So far I've been searching for prices and this is my breakdown...
Shoes X2 = R730
School shorts gr6 X2 = R140
School pants gr10 X2 = R340
School shirts gr10 X2 = R160
School shirts gr6 X2 = R100
Socks size 6 x3pairs = R70
Socks size 10 x3pairs = R90
Gr6 transport = R450 return
Gr10 transport = R500 return
Scientific calculator gr10 = R278
Stationary for 2 including books covers pens kokis etc etc = R1250
Gr10 registration = R1500
Gr6 registration = R500
I know there are a few other things I left out here. Please all I'm asking for is a Lil assist just so that my kids for once can start a new year fresh and clean not wearing second hand dull degraded clothes and shoes.
Please help me help them with whatever you can. It would be so greatly appreciated 🙏
Thank you and God bless 🙏
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Wishing you the best with your school year, Hayden and Kylin
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Clare donated R 200 via Hayden and Kylin school supplies
13 Jan 2024
R 200