Help me pay my outstanding fees 67326 Campaign
My name is Thobekile Bongekile Magubane, I was a student at UFS Qwaqwa campus. I completed my first degree (Bachelor of Art ) in 2020 and my second qualification (Post Graduate Certificate in Education in senior and FET phase) in 2021. I am a qualified teacher still seeking employment and my majors are IsiZulu Home Language, Business Studies and English FAL.
I have been volunteering to one of the schools around my area named Goodhome Secondary School. I have 1 year 2 months experience teaching English in grade 09 and IsiZulu in grade 11. I come from an unfortunate background which is why I can't pay for myself.
I have been unemployed for two years and I am having trouble getting a job because my certificate and academic results are being held by the institution I enrolled in. I currently owe R42 580 and the University has written me off. My account is handled by Symington&deKok lawyers.
I received NSFAS funding for my first degree (B.A). Unfortunately, when I enrolled for PGCE in 2021, NSFAS decided to no longer fund PGCE or second degrees due to insufficient funds. As a result, I was unable to pay outstanding fees.
This fundraising will help me a lot and I will be so honored by anyone who can help, no matter how much. Please help me fulfill my dream of teaching, impacting and inspiring young minds.