My name is Thabo Gabriel Mathule, I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in Galeshewe, Kimberley. I am dynamic, promising, accomplished, passionate and resilient.
I am a champion law student, certified masterful student leadership, an ally and activist from the University of Johannesburg.
I need funds to pay for my academic and residence registration fees for 2024. The registration amount due is R9270.
I currently have a credit of R5535 on my account, but it is not enough to cover the minimum registration required. (Proof of the above amounts are attached)
I kindly seek for your financial assistance; the registration money would help me achieve the goal of attaining my LLB in 2024.
Any support that can be offered before the 09th February 2024 is humbly appreciated.
I pray that my donation campaign finds you well.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Dr Sheena
I hope you get to register , education is power and we need young and fresh minds in the legal fraternity. All the best
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 500 via HELP GABRIEL REGISTER 4FinalYr LLB
08 Feb 2024
R 500
Dr Sheena donated R 500 via HELP GABRIEL REGISTER 4FinalYr LLB
01 Feb 2024
R 500
Anonymous donated R 500 via HELP GABRIEL REGISTER 4FinalYr LLB
01 Feb 2024
R 500