Help my mom come home Campaign
Hi, My name is Tamy. I currently live in Roodepoort, South Africa, but when I was 16 I moved to Australia with my mother and younger sister. At 21, I decided to move back to my home country, and my mother and sister stayed behind in Australia. After Covid hit, even first world countries were effected, and my mother fell onto some very hard times. She lost her job, used all her savings to survive, and on top of that, she started getting carpal tunnel in her wrists, which makes it quite painful to do most jobs. Due to this, she has been suffering financially, and emotionally. She has no furniture or anything solid to her name, she had to move into a rented bedroom, and had to give up most of what she owned. Her car will most probably be repossessed as we cannot afford to pay it any longer, the room she is renting will shortly no longer be available as the owner is selling the house, and finding a stable job in Australia is proving to be very difficult nowadays, especially if you are over 30, which is disgraceful. She is also diabetic and suffers from depression, both of these conditions are quite costly and medicare does not cover everything she needs. After much thought and many tearful conversations, my mom has decided to come home, where she can be with family and have a support system, she needs her family, we all do. But this is a very financially straining task, especially considering that my rands are very weak compared to the Australian dollar. What I can afford to help with this side, is barely anything once it reaches Australia. She has a few boxes of sentimental belongings, photos, clothing, that all need to be brought back, as well as debt that she has to pay off, and a plane ticket home. All money raised would go towards this, as well as helping her find her feet again back home in South Africa. I love my mom more than life itself, and it is killing me that I cannot financially help her, or be with her during a very difficult period in her life. She deserves so much more than I could ever give her, so I am reaching out for some help. Thank you so much for your time.