Eliot surgery Campaign
Hello everyone.So people that might know Eliot background, Eliot was born at 35 weeks and 1.2kg due to a twin pregnancy and his brother didn't make it.
Eliot was very small and was NICU for almost 2 months.
When Eliot teeth came in we saw that he had problems with his teeth very weak and got cavities very easily no matter the diet and how many times we brushed his teeth we later found out Eliot got a condition called enamel hypoplasia where he was born with no enamel on his teeth. He needs to go for surgery to fix his back teeth and to put stuff on his teeth that will help strengthen his teeth so he won't have problems anymore.
Danny and I can get most of the money but just need a little more and would so appericate if anybody can help us if it's R20 🙏.
We want to get this done ASAP before it causes promises for his adult teeth. Thank you.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Hope that Eliot gets the treatment he needs. Best of luck x
Ashleigh Fincham
Sorry it's not much... But it's a start... Love you guys
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 200 via Eliot surgery
12 Feb 2024
R 200
Kelsie donated US $ 57 via Eliot surgery
12 Feb 2024
US $ 57
Ashleigh Fincham donated R 200 via Eliot surgery
12 Feb 2024
R 200