Personal 66907 Campaign
Good day, my name is Suzette. I am 49 years old, a mother of two boys, ages 14 & 6 and they are my whole world! I have been progressively getting sicker since my eldest son's birth (epidural c-section), 14 years ago. Walked into hospital as healthy as can be, walked out a mess and sickly. I have been diagnosed now with Lupus and I have some other medical issues as well, and I have been going to a state hospital for the last 6 years, since my youngest was born. Have not received any real help yet. Two weeks before my youngest was born, I was "Let go due to illness " by my then employer, and have not been able to find work yet. I only found out about the baby when I was six months pregnant, as I was on medication (HRT) and tranquilizers due to severe rigors attacks that began after the first c-section. He was not planned, but he is a very special blessing from God!
My struggle is not only my health situation, but also my home life. I need to get myself and my sons into a safe environment. We need to move out, closer to their schools and start over. A divorce needs to happen swiftly! I need to give my son's the peacefull and loving life they deserve and desperately need. That i desperately need! My health has been holding me back from fulfilling this goal.
We will need to start over, will need basics (furniture/fridge, bed, etc) and food and rent/petrol money, money for school fees. I need a permanent, stable job, with an income that will sustain us, as I know that no money will come from the spouse to support us. It is a very, very tall order to ask for! And finding a job that will employ me not being healthy and strong as I use to be, with a decent salary is probably way over the top, but I do believe that it can happen.
As a mother, I have to do the right thing for the children's futures. They have to feel safe, have food, medicine, education and be loved, it is their human right! So as a mother, I am begging for financial help for my children's sake, if their are still good people out there, please help me to better my boy's futures. I know there are millions of people out there with the same situation, my story is not special, it won't stand out, but my children are special and their lives matter. Any financial assistance can be paid into the following account.
Account Holder: Suzette Van Coller
Account Type: Easy Account
Account Number: 62756175777
Branch Code: 250655
I pray God's blessings over each one reading my story, and I thank you for your time.