Herulette Cancer Battle Fund Campaign
This precious gem is Herulette, she is kind, she is positive, she is joyous and a daughter of God.Herulette is 3 years old and have been fighting to beat cancer. She has gone through 2 rounds of chemo and have several more ahead. She lives with us, her parents, Sonette and David, in Newcastle and we travel to Durban for her treatments which typically last a week. There has been ups and downs, but through it all Herulette stays positive. She lost her eyesight, ability to swallow or use her tongue correctly, she is not walking independently and face an array of struggles. Settled in faith we believe all of this is only for now.
This is a very challenging experience for our entire family and any support to aid in covering related expenses such as travel, accommodation and physical needs Herulette has, is much appreciated and a massive blessing to our single income home.
Please pray for her recovery and please consider to donate to this cause. Thank you.
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Fear not.
Ons bid steeds vir jou skat. God is so goed en ons is so dankbaar vir alles wat Hy tot dusver vir jou gedoen het. Ons WEET Hy sal jou ten volle genees en jy sal jou storie vir almal vertel en nog meer mense se lewens aanraak.
Baie sterkte!!!
Baie sterkte!
God Is good he doesn’t allow pain and suffering without a greater motive
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 500 via Herulette Cancer Battle Fund
29 Dec 2023
R 500
Anonymous donated US $ 12 via Herulette Cancer Battle Fund
21 Dec 2023
US $ 12
Anonymous donated US $ 108 via Herulette Cancer Battle Fund
08 Dec 2023
US $ 108
Anonymous donated US $ 12 via Herulette Cancer Battle Fund
08 Dec 2023
US $ 12
Anonymous donated US $ 108 via Herulette Cancer Battle Fund
08 Dec 2023
US $ 108