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Adelle Hope and Relief Fund Campaign Logo

Adelle Hope and Relief Fund Campaign

Adelle is a 44-year-old woman and a mother of three and been my dearest and best friend for the past 17 years and my pillar of strength in my darkest days of my life when I had to deal with loss in my family. She was diagnosed with severe breast cancer last year September that has regrettably worsened and her situation has deteriorated rapidly as she can no longer look after herself and it is expected that she won’t be able earn an income for much longer. Her husband had to sacrifice family time and has been doing seasonal work on an 9-month period on a farm in America after not being able to find suitable employment in South Africa to provide for his family. He has been back since October 2023 and is scheduled to return to work on the 15th of March. He does not earn an income whilst home and the increased medical expenses has drained their savings. It has become apparent that he will not be able to return as Adelle’s health would not allow it. In his absence Adelle usually acts as the sole parent, but her current physical condition will no longer enable her to do so. Furthermore, Adelle does not have a support structure as her parents and close friends do not live close enough to her. Due to financial difficulty Adelle was forced to cancel her medical aid hence has not received the correct health treatment as she should have. We humbly plead with everyone to assist in whatever way possible to contribute financially so as the enable her to get proper medical treatment and enable her husband to be present to assist her and their children during this difficult period.

Everyone’s prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Donor Messages

Die vd Merwe's
Liewe Adelle ons hoop is in die Here. Ons gebed vir jou is dat Abba jou sal toevou in Sy hande en nuwe lewe, nuwe hoop en genesing sal gee deur Sy Seun se opoffering. Hy het die prys betaal sodat ons kan leef in oorwinning. Met liefde in Jesus
Ek bid vir tannie! Sterkte en hou aan hoop💐
Praying that all will Go well
God is ons Voorsiener, Geneesheer en Vertrooster

Activity feed

Anonymous donated R 200 via Adelle Hope and Relief Fund
03 Mar 2024 R 200
Rounding donated R 111 via Adelle Hope and Relief Fund
01 Mar 2024 R 111
Die vd Merwe's donated US $ 11 via Adelle Hope and Relief Fund
01 Mar 2024 US $ 11
Riounding donated R 630 via Adelle Hope and Relief Fund
29 Feb 2024 R 630
Christilee donated R 200 via Adelle Hope and Relief Fund
28 Feb 2024 R 200