Elianna fundraiser Campaign
Hi there! Today i come to all to ask for help in this difficult time. In 2020 i was pregnant with a sweet baby boy he was born premature and sadly passed away after being 2 days old. By that time i went to state hospital for there is only one in our town sadly they did not do everything right and we had to greet him. After that i was diagnosed with pcos that makes it very difficult to build your own family. Now whe find ourselfs with the best blessing that God has granted us once more. We are happy to announce we are expecting a baby girl. Since the journey started there were some complications were i found myself in and out of hospital. Between 10 and 17 weeks i was on bed rest due to placenta previa. But whe have won that battle. Now i am asking as a mother for all the help we can get to raise enough funds for baby girl's delivery, so that we can ensure she has the best care possible by her side. Everything we do is now private for we dont want to go down the same road as in 2020. The funds to be raised will go towards the hospital expenses. Everyone's contributions is so much appreciated and from my heart to yours i say thank you.Connected Campaigns
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Kirsty donated R 200 via Elianna fundraiser
26 Feb 2024
R 200