Buying a house 68160 Campaign
Hi everyoneI know that asking for funding for a house is not big enough everyone list and it's not everyone that will fun. Let me give you a back story.
I have always been the daughter that does everything for her parents for her brothes for friends for those around her. Currently I'm married for 5 years now and it's quite tough I have two sons who I hope to give their own bedroom instead of the one room we are sharing.
It feels like I am stuck we can't afford a home of our own we share a bedroom and our marriage is suffering. I would just like to be able to grant my kids their own space.
Housing is quite expensive and adding more debt to ur debt that we're already in is going to cause depression it's tough as it is.
I usually give out food to the kids I our community and it would be so awesome to give out food out of my own house.
I am big on lunches I atleast want to invite my mother or mother inlaw over for supper dinner or even breakfast.
I want my kids to play in the back yard. I would like my husband to be able to sit in our lounge.
Please support my campaign I know these things take time.
Much love and God's blessings on those who do and don't support.