emergency dialysis funds Campaign
Hi there my Name is Andrea and I am making this request on behalf of my friend Carmen Buchanan who is in dire need of kidney dialysis. Carmen is being treated at our government hospital but received bad news that there is not much else they can do for her as their facilities are already under strain. She is on a very long waiting list to receive weekly dialysis but because the list is moving is so slow she find herself having to rush to hospital sometimes twice a month to get emergency dialysis. It is my hope to be able to raise funds for atleast a year of weekly treatments(2x a week) which is very costly.
Carmen is a single, unemployed mother of 2 beautiful children a girl in primary school and a son in Matric. They still a bright future ahead. They deserve to have their mother around to see each milestone into adulthood. My hope is to raise funds to pay for private dialysis treatment ASAP to prolong her life until we can find a more permanent solution to her needs. Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. God bless.
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Donor Messages
Elmarine Grynhout
May God heal and strengthen you Carmen🌸
Jeremiah 17:14: "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise."
I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
Sammy Tsheoga
Praying for God to hold you in the palm of His hand while you continue to heal
Claudy & Jizz
Praying for you ❤️
Exodus 15:26
I am the Lord that heals you🙏🏻
Ons bid vir jou geneesing Carmy, bly by die Here se voete
Baie liefde❤️
Shaun Southon
Get well soon Carmen. Praying for your recovery.
Activity feed
Elmarine Grynhout donated R 500 via emergency dialysis funds
11 Jan 2024
R 500
Wayne&Devrene donated R 500 via emergency dialysis funds
11 Jan 2024
R 500
TK donated R 500 via emergency dialysis funds
11 Jan 2024
R 500
Sammy Tsheoga donated R 200 via emergency dialysis funds
11 Jan 2024
R 200
Claudy & Jizz donated R 300 via emergency dialysis funds
11 Jan 2024
R 300